Chapter 70

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Being in his old family house had felt strange to Damien.

He had a bittersweet feeling raging in him, and seeing that he was torn between the two emotions he didn't know which to choose at all.

There was a strange kind of warmth that came with walking into his old room, and although it had been renovated and everything looked different, it still felt the same.

He tried not to think about it way more than he should, because if he continued to let himself dwell in the past, then he was sure that the nostalgic feeling would soon change to anger.

All in all though, the house had been in perfect condition, and spending about thirty minutes in there, when he was done, he ordered his driver to take them back to a hotel he'd booked prior to his coming.

It was the best hotel in the town and it wasn't too far from where he planned to go so he paid for the suites.

For comfort, he made sure everyone in his entourage had their separate room, with everything they would need and after ordering room service and making sure everyone was comfortable, Damien stayed awake looking through the files the investigator had handed him.

Being in his house earlier gave him a weird feeling and sighing deeply, Damien put the files back in their place and tried to get some small sleep.

He would need it, as he was going to face his past tomorrow and again with time breezing, the next morning arrived all to speedily.

Following the same routine as the day before, his guards prepared the car after they had breakfast, while Damien and the investigator had theirs up in his room.

They didn't need to wake up so early because according to the directions handed to him by the investigator, the new abode of the Connors wasn't too far from the hotel so they could go there right on time.

As soon as he was ready, Damien walked downstairs to meet his entourage. Meeting the Connors after so long put a weird feeling in his chest, but he tried to shake it off.

This was another step in his plan for revenge, so it was very essential. Taking a deep breath, he continued to ascend the stairs but just before he neared the car, his phone began to vibrate in his jacket.

He contemplated on whether to answer it, but seeing as they had ample time, he slipped the phone out of his jacket and picked it up.

Alvarez's name flashed on the screen, and smiling slyly Damien swiped the answer button and said, "Alvarez? How are you doing, and how are things over there in New York?"

"I'm good, man. What about you? How are things going?" Alvarez replied cheerfully, proceeding to ask how the investigation was going and if he had started his plans.

Damien sighed, "Things are going a little slow but it's moving all the same. With any luck it'll all be over soon."

"That's good news then." Alvarez commented and as silence descended for a while he spoke up again, "And what about the issue we discussed? Did you finally get to talk to Madison?"

At the mention of her name, Damien stiffened.

He remembered driving to her house a few days ago and watching her in his car through the shadows, and how seeing her had stirred up so many emotions and memories that he thought were dead now.

He wasn't even sure why he had gone there, and no matter how he convinced himself that it was for the sake of the investigation, he knew that deep within him, that reason was only partially true.

He really just wanted to see how she was doing, and he thought he would regret going there, but surprisingly he didn't.

He had wondered if he should have come out and talked to her, but he changed his mind.

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