Chapter 64

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Damien felt refreshed when he awakened the next morning. He had slept for about ten hours and he was feeling much better now.

His visit to the spa yesterday which included a needed body massage, had also helped his intended relaxation.

Not accustomed to eating breakfast, he showered and went through his morning routine, and then checked in briefly with his company in New York. It had only been a day since he got to London, but he had already resolved within himself to check in with the manager whenever he got the chance, and so far it was going smoothly.

He spent the rest of the morning going through the documents and charts concerning the hotel he was staying in, and so far Damien was impressed. There was practically nothing to complain about.

The system was so spotless that he didn't see the need to take over or change anything, as that might even ruin their momentum, and he found that he quite enjoyed how the manager ran the place. He was even considering applying the same system in his other hotels, and so far so good it was simply amazing.

He was so busy analyzing all these things, that he didn't realize it was midday already, and it was not until his reminder went off on his phone then did he remember that he had a meeting by 2PM today.

Quickly, he shut his laptop and changed into more suitable clothes for a meeting.

Since the meeting was going to hold in the lobby downstairs, he didn't need to make as much haste, and so he took his time getting ready.

When he was done, he made his way to the down lobby of the hotel and on getting there he sighted the restaurant situated close to the lobby where the meeting was supposed to take place.

He walked in, ready to ask where his reservation was, but just as he turned, he saw his lawyer and private investigator seated at one of the tables.

Walking to the table, he shook their hands in turn and lowered himself onto the seat that was reserved for him.

Damien had asked them to meet him here in London to discuss a few details about the case, as they were things that he did not wish to discuss over the phone.

He was originally going to have a conference call, but when he remembered that his private investigator was already in London running additional investigations, he decided to ask the lawyer to fly in from New York to the buzzing city and he had arrived just two days earlier before him.

"I trust everything is well with you both?" Damien asked, taking a sip of water from the bottle on the table, and they both replied with a nod, "Yes sir."

"And you?" The investigator asked, and Damien shot him a brief confused glance at first before answering.

He was anything but good and he wouldn't actually be, until he had settled everything that concerned the Connors and the issues that brought him here, but of course he couldn't start relaying his problem to them so he only nodded, replying curtly, "Things are good."

Clearing his throat, he looked around the restaurant, only just noticing the empty table.

He frowned, "This table should not be empty at all." He looked back up at the two men, "Have you had lunch? Either of you."

They both shook their heads, waving Damien's statement off and saying that they didn't need to eat and that they were okay but he wasn't having any of that.

He himself had barely had breakfast, and so he couldn't order something for himself and nothing for them.

"Nonsense!" He frowned, waving his hands, "I'll have none of that now."

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