Chapter 86

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Madison stared at the vegetables in front of her, taking a look in her notes to glance at the recipe Gina had given her to cheer her up. She adored her friends recipes, and trying out new ones always put her in a good mood.

After the other day at work, Gina had tried to cheer Madison up as she continued to be moody the whole day and at the close of work, she surprised Madison by presenting her with a new recipe to try out.

It had worked effectively, because Madison immediately lit up and thanking her friend with a hug, she did promised to try it out and here she was.

Smiling, she began to slice the vegetables into tiny pieces.

She wanted to have a filling dinner because lunch had been tiny bites of a peanut butter sandwich that she hadn't been able to finish, and now she wanted to eat this evening to her full.

When she was finished slicing the vegetables, she checked the broth which was still simmering on the stove and taking a little out of it with her soon, she tasted it and hummed in approval at how delicious it was.

She was definitely getting the recipe well.

Just as she was pouring the vegetables in the soup pot, a light knock sounded on her door and freezing in surprise, Madison dragged her gaze to the nearby wall clock, checking the time.

It was late already, almost 8pm, and she didn't even know she'd waste so much time cooking.  Now though, who could possibly be knocking at her door by this time? She wondered.

She turned off the stove, wiping her hands with the kitchen towel as she walked out of the kitchen and towards the door.

She tried to recall if she was expecting anyone, and she would have easily guessed that it was one of her neighbors, but she had already hung out with them this evening so they couldn't be the one. Also she wasn't expecting any visitors either, so who was at the freaking door?

Already at alert and tiptoeing cautiously, she made her way to the door, swallowing as she unlocked it and turned the knob.

She opened the door a little bit, peeping and then... that's when she saw him.

Her eyes widened when she came face to face with none other than Damien, and he had a worried look in his eyes. His hair was also disheveled and he looked like he had been in a rush to get here and then...

"Arghhh!" Madison let out a loud scream, banging the door in his face and locking it behind her.

She shut her eyes tightly, wondering for a moment if she was hallucinating and seeing double but she definitely wasn't.

He knocked gently at first and then he began to bang his fists loudly on her door, when he got the message that she just wouldn't open the door so easily.

"Madison! Please open the door. Please, we have to talk and..."

Madison was breathing heavily, and she wanted to shout at him to leave, but she couldn't just string out any sentence.

Her mind was still whirling, and she tried to comprehend how he'd known about her home, or gotten her address or...

"Please listen to me." He continued, cutting through her thoughts as he said, "I know I'm probably the last person you want to see right now, but please... please give me a chance to explain myself. Let's We have to talk. So many things to say and I want to apologize profusely to you for everything."

He wanted to apologize? For what? Madison could only scoff, her heart still pounding in her chest.

"What the hell do you want?" She finally said out the words she'd been hoarding within her. "Haven't you had enough already? What more do you want? I don't want to even hear what you have to say, just go away." Her heart squeezed in her chest as she wondered why he was here in the first place.

Yours, Forever حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن