Extra Extra, read all about it!

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----------Hey hi and hello :) I understand there were a lot of questions left unanswered for this book, so instead of doing a boring FAQ chapter I thought i'd give it to you in the form of a drabble with Chory and Simon. Sort of an epilogue type thing. Enjoy, and feel free to leave any more questions to be answered in the comments.----------

"Chory! I told you, that is not what that is for!" I shouted at Chory who was presently putting his socks in the toaster. He looked up at me confused. 

"But, is this not a mini dryer?" I sighed, going over and taking the socks out. 

"No. Have you ever seen me putting any clothes in here?" He shook his head, looking bashful. I stopped myself from jumping on him and his cuteness and took the socks into the other room and out them in a basket.

Chory and I have moved into a nice, moderately sized apartment in London, England.  He's starting to get the hang of things pretty well, aside from the occasional garments in odd places. Luckily we could afford to move here, since I could access my fortune again and my parents were on the run who knows where. I had Juicy cook up something to see what was happening with them and what they were doing, since I was worried they were still after me.

We saw in this sort of book thing, it wrote the answer to our question as we asked it. Cool right? It said they had gotten in too deep with those hell creatures and had to run, but the demons were just toying with them because they could never reallu escape what they owed. I didn't need to know anymore after that. 

So, here we are, and I have to say I am happier than i've ever been in my entire life. The guild went on to live their lives, as I firmly instructed them to do, insisting I didn't require their help anymore. Juicy was the most reluctant, but in the end agreed. You know what? She also told Chory and I that her name wasn't really Juicy! Who would have thought? Her name is actually Lenore, but details details. 

"AH! Simon! I think i've-oh dear." I snapped out of my thoughts and rushed to the kitchen, seeing a smoking oven.

"I-I thought that might be the dr-" I rolled my eyes and hurriedly put the oven mitts on, turning it off and getting Chory's scorched shirt out. I held it up, giving Chory a 'Really?' look. He put a hand on his cheek, rubbing it as he looked away embarrassed. I don't know where he learned that, but it's adorable. I threw the shirt away, grabbing Chory by the hand and sitting him on the couch with me. 

"Just...stay out of the kitchen from now on, will you?" He smiled, nodding and pulling me in for a kiss. I loved that about him. No matter what we happened to be doing-ahem- he'd kiss me whenever he pleased. I kissed back, of course. I turned on the TV, and snickered as Chory was immediately entranced. He loved TV. If I let him, he would never stop watching it. 

TV, computers, video games you name it. Any type of technology Chory loves. That's why I was thinking about getting him involved in that area of work, like a computer wiz or some other sort of technology centered job. When he's ready, of course. Speaking of which, I should probably tell him about that. 

"Hey Chory?" 

"Hmm?" He said, eyes still glued to the TV. I shut it off, knowing I would never win his affections over that thing. He shifted his focus to me, blinking. 

"I was thinking...I don't know what I want to do for work yet, but you seem to like computers and the TV and stuff. Would you want to fix things like that? I don't know, sort of as a job." I looked down, realizing this sounded kind of weird out loud. I looked back up and he looked extremely excited, making me blink this time.

"I would greatly enjoy that Simon! I love the TV and the other new things that have been created. When? May I go now? How do I-"

"Whoa! Hold on there cowboy. Not for a while, you'd have to be ready first." He pouted, looking incredibly disappointed. 

"When do you supposed i'd be...ready?"

"Maybe when you can work the toaster, for starters."He smiled again, leaning in and kissing me softly before pulling away. 

"Alright. Simon? May we visit the market tomorrow? I wish to see the bread lady again." I laughed, snuggling into his chest. 

"Sure, but try not to get her so angry this time." I said. Chory has, um, made a lot of friends at the most common places. The bread lady at the store gets really irritated with Chory, but I can tell she likes him. He ate a donut without permission and she threw a loaf at his head the first time they met. It was hilarious.

"Thank you. Another thing, Simon."


"Will you turn on the TV again?" I smirked, turning it back on for him. We have so much to do, to explore. There is so much I want him to see, and I thank my lucky stars everyday I have the money to do it. So far, no one else has come after me for my GACHNE powers, so we haven't had to go on any unplanned adventures. For now. But I hope it stays that way.

I asked Chory if he knew any more about what I was, but he shook his head, saying that it was in my blood and that's all he knew. There wasn't an order to these things, but that everyone was lucky it happened to be me who got it. What a sap. 

We're more than content though, and when Chory sees the world he's been missing out on, he'll finally have the life that was stolen from him. And maybe, I will too.

----------Okay folks, that's a wrap! Again, leave any questions or comments and I will get back to you, promise. I may or may not do one more of these upon request, like about his parents or something and what's really happening to them. It's short, but it is a drabble after all. Like I said, a sequel is only possible if you make it possible! I need a lot of people to want a sequel for me to write one. :D Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for reading!----------

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