Chapter 25: I can't fight this feeling

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--------------Landmark! Chapter 25 people. This one goes out to masonmadness, an awesome dude. Read his story Imaginary, it makes me explode inside <3------------------------

Zeus help us. Slowly, that thing is starting to stalk towards us, literally frothing at the mouth. His turned into slits, like the Hunters. he...? I don't have time to contemplate, as he lunges forward only to be shoved back by Juicy and Denise.

"Go! Chory, take Simon and run!" I immediately start ripping the tubes out of my arms, and fasten the gown so it covers my formerly on display behind. Chory takes my hand and we bolt out the door, but a familiar pain in my chest stops me.

"Chory, I can't run! I'll have an attack again!" Without a word he scoops me up, to my dismay. I really just wanted to pick up my inhaler from the pharmacy! Too late for that I think as we rush through door after door, shouting and growling following behind us.

Eventually we make it to the front of the hospital, and out the doors. We look around, but I just remembered I came in an ambulance. But they had to have come in something! Where is that blasted truck? Seconds later the monster/doctor has joined us outside, and with a girlie shriek on my part, Chory starts running again in no particular direction. Ugh, that thing sounds so gross snarling and gurgling behind us. 

"Chory, over there!" I point to one of the ambulances with the back open, signaling someone just arrived in it. We get inside it with Doctor I-don't-have-a-clever-name-for-him-becuase-i'm-so-scared right behind us.

Slamming the doors shut, he throws himself against it scratching and making all sorts of growling noises. I let out a breath, and feel Chory panting heavily. Looking up I see him glaring viciously at the doors.

"Chory, he can't get in. And you can put me down now." He gently loosens his grip on me, but then crushes me in a hug.

"Why is it that danger seems to follow where ever it is that you go?" He says, sounding exasperated.

"Eheheheh, I guess it has something to do with bloodlines?" I really have no idea. I must have inherited this 'special ability' from my parents, right? As my mother so kindly put it.

I can't think of any other reason why I of all people would be this important curse breaker. I am the definition of what pirates call, 'lily livered.' The door rattles again with immense force, and I jump.

Then I hear a series of grunts, shrieks, thuds and snarls, followed by a quick RAP RAP RAP on the doors. I approach it cautiously, and crack it open. What? I don't see----"AH!" I shout, and am yanked out by the wrist I was using to hold open the door.

Squirming, I try to free myself of their grasp.

"Simon! Cut it out, it's me!" Juicy? I look up to see her with a frustrated look on her face. Oops, heh.

"Oh. Well, that's a relief. I thought you were-THAT THING! HOLY!" I jump right back into Juicy's arms as I catch sight of the monster that was chasing us.

"For goodness' sake, Simon! It's tied up!" Oh. I see that now. Letting out another relieved breath, I smooth my gown, and look for where Chory went.

"Chory? Where'd you go?" Where is he? He can't be too hard to find. I spin in a circle and still don't see him.

"Huh? I don't see him anywhere either." Juicy says. I walk back over to the ambulance, but he isn't there either. 

"What in the name of-- where could he possibly have gone that fast without us noticing? He isn't exactly kidnap-able!" 

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