Chapter 2: Discoveries

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The unbearable harmony continued to lure me towards the cottage. I ambled on until I was face to face with stones. I reached up, and as soon as my palm made contact, the stones crumbled. It left me standing in archway, moss hanging down and making it look quite scenic.

Slowly my body moved onward, led by the music. Once I was in, the angelic music stopped. Huh? I think and shake my head, smacking my left ear as if I had gotten water in it.

I looked around dazedly at my surroundings. The place is all stone, and really dirty. It is built like a huge dome, with nothing but random stone furniture throughout. Eh? What's with that? I wonder. I then remember my situation and face palm.

What the devil am I doing standing about like a bloody fool? I've got to scat! How exactly do I-oh! The archway! Duh! I turn around and am thankful to see it hasn't pulled a vanishing act. I am about to make a mad dash when I hear a clatter. I look left and see dirty steps, brown and cracked looking. They spiral above my head, leading to what I assume is the tower I saw.

Sigh. Great. I'm gonna have to check it out, aren't I? Bah! I think. No way, I'm out of this strangely beautiful dump. But then, a little angel appears on my right shoulder. "What if it is the lad the lady spoke of?" It squeaked.

Ugh. I've gone bloody mad, I tell you. Barnyard crazy. Just as I think that a little devil me appears on my left shoulder. "The hag was the one that was crazy! Don't listen to him, just get out of here and get back to London!" It exclaimed.

Oh boy. "No no no! That one's got his cranium so far up his arse he can eat his food twice, he can!"

"You shut you're yap! " said the little devil.

Gr. I can't concentrate like this. "Oh, clear off, you lot! " I say and pinch the bridge of my nose as they poof out. I run my hands through my dirty blond locks and sigh. What if he's right? A kid really could be in need. But what of the music, then? Oh, blast. I'll just have a look, then.

What could be the harm, any ways? I start my way up, listening to the pat of my Nike shoes against the stone. That's quite the trek up, I say. Ah, well, I am not a bum so I can make it, yeah?

*twenty minutes later* Huff, ugh. *pant* oh whatever. Finally I make it to the top. I look up and see a a single hallway with a single door. Very antique looking, like the rest of this place. I go up slowly to the door, cautiously. And also recovering my breath. Here we go.

I raise my hand and knock carefully, fearful the old thing might fall over.

"Allo'? Any one in there? Dumb question. I know you are, so open up, come on, I heard your music." I hear shuffling. Aha! Successful I am. I wait. And wait. Oh blimey. They are not wanting to open up I see. So, I won't push it then. Hehe, I'll pull. Because it's a door where you have to...oh never mind.

Bad pun, bad pun. Ahem. I grab the metal handle and give it a sound yank. 'CREEEEEAAAK!' The door pulls open and reveals another arch in it's wake, due to the shape of the door. I poke my head in curiously, and see a box shaped room, just covered in dust, looking more like an old wood cellar and a lot less vegetative than the rest of the place that I'd seen. There was no windows so it happened to be extremely dark, and I didn't notice the figure standing in the corner.

"Eep!" I squeal like a girl and clutch at my heart. Manly, Simon, very macho.

"Er, you. Uh, are you hurt in any way? Um..." I trailed off not really knowing what to say. I couldn't even tell if it was male or female, all I could make out was a dark silhouette.

"Te adiuavare possum?" says a male's voice. Wait, what?

"I'm sorry, what? I don't speak-" I get cut off as he says, "Ah. I presume you do not speak Latin. I asked if I could help you with something? Why are you here, by the way?"

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