Chapter 15: Trust Issues

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After being a whiner baby for a little while, I lifted my head from chory's shoulder and returned his concerned gaze with one of my own. "Chory? didn't have to relive....your condemnation, did you?" I asked hesitantly, not wanting to cause him more pain. His eyes darken, and he looks away sadly.

"I did. It was indeed painful, but it was long ago. I look forward to making happier memories with you, Simon." He replied, slipping an impish smile in at the end. Blushing slightly, I look away and bite my lip. 

"M-me too, chory. Me too. So that means you are planning on hanging out with me for a while?" I ask, looking back up at him. He looks at me and his smile becomes full blown.

"Isn't that evident? I know not one more person from this time." Well gee, thanks. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Just then Juicy strolls in, and oh don't I feel warmer and fuzzier! Not.

"Simon, Chory. My Sisters and I wish to speak with you." Sisters? What if they're like a feminist group? Gross.

"Well I think i'd like to know a little more of what's going on here first. Where even is 'here'?" I state matter-of-factly. Smiling, she turns and starts to walk away. What is wrong with this woman?!

"Hey! I asked you a question you troll!" I yell and she freezes, while chory's eyes widen. What? I just said troll. Turning, she glares at me stiffly.

"You will know everything you wish to know once you allow me to get you to where you can even find out! I can not tell you everything. Follow me or don't, I do not care." She swiftly walks up a flight of white marble stairs, and chory and I look at each other before rising and following her quickly. She sees us following, and smirks. "Wise choice." Then keeps walking.  

"Wise choice" I mimick in a poor imitation of her voice and stick my tongue out at her back. That'll teach her. We ascend to the top of the stairs and I see a an old rickety door at the end of the hall, along with a few simpler ones along the side, and the most simple one to our immediate right hand at the peak of the steps. I easily head for the old one, and she stops me by grabbing my arm. I feel a wave of.....what feels like pure trust flow through me. That was weird. Blinking, I shake her hand off.

"What? Isn't that where we are headed?'' Shaking her head, she gestures to the middle one of the three simple doors along the wall. 

"This is where we go. We choose an inconspicuous location in case there is the rare intruder. We know only a simpleton would go for that door." She smirks again and enters the door. Ugh! After making obscene gestures at her back, I straighten my clothes and follow. Chory is simply grinning happily beside me during my frustration. Whatever. As we get into the room, I actually see a crystal ball in the middle. Geez, stereotypical much?

The ball is glowing, which is the only object that is lighting the room, due to lack of windows. The rest of the house lighted by dim light bulbs on the  ceiling. I spot a grand total of four women kneeling around the crystal. They all look rather modern, as does Juicy. I wonder what their names are. Sour, sweet and spicy?

One with blonde hair turns and looks at chory, not seeming to notice my presence, and giggles, leaning over and whispering into a gingers ear. She spots chory then as well, and giggles, leaning and whispering to a lady with raven black hair. Finally, like a twisted game of telephone, she, can you guess it? Spots chory and giggles, whispering into a large African American lady's ear with very short black hair. They all whisper and giggle while I sigh frustratedly. Am I not here? Chory is oblivious, of course. He doesn't seem as fascinated with a ginger as I thought he'd be. Hm. Suddenly Juicy claps her hands together to get our attention, before smiling.

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