Chapter 16: Taken out

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------Hey all. This chapter goes a little faster, so we can get to the meat of the story, if that makes sense. It won't be bad though. More chory dialogue in this, I think he needs more. Tell me if you agree, or if there is more I need to fix! Much obliged. Continue scrolling!-----------

The next week went by much like this. I kept trying to figure out ways to break the Guild's curse, but nothing was gaining purchase. I didn't get to spend much time doing anything else. It infuriated me, really. I hardly agreed to all this hubbub, yet I am stuck in the middle of it. Oh bother. As of right now I am taking a break. A long one at that. Currently sitting near the front f the house, wishing my way out. Sighing, I close my eyes and wonder what chory is doing. He has been sticking right by my side in all this. Following me around relentlessly, not that I mind. I feel bad that he is probably bored out of his mind at the moment. I wish I knew what to do! Gah! I have thought of everything to break that bloody curse! Well I guess not everything, seeing as It is not broken yet. 

"Simon!" I hear juicy calling, and groan loudly. I do not want to have another go at it for the next twenty years! All we do is sit in a circle and I spout ideas as quick as I can, and if I'm too slow juicy yells at me! Ugh. Standing up as slowly as I can, I make my way up the stairs, and collapse in front of the door. Oh, the stairs! I hear the dorr creak open, and a heavy sigh comes from above my head, rustling my messy hair. Pouting, I wait for her to tell me to try again. 

"Simon, how would you and chory like to get out of here for a bit?" She says, and I hop up to my feet like an excited puppy. 

"Would I! I am tired of sandwiches! I want to go to nandos!" I yell, with a fistpump, and she smacks my forehead. 

"Ow! Why?!" I protest, while she glares with a hint of amusement. 

"Calm down. This has to be confidential. And those sandwiches weren't so bad! Be grateful! Ahem. I am able to send you with the combined power of my Sisters and I, but only once, so make the most of it. Now decide where you would like to go, and it is imperative that you stay in that place, or else we will not be able to get you back. Do you understa-"

"NANDOS!!" I shout again, to which she responds with a frustrated sigh. 

"Chory! Where are you!? We are leaving this godforsaken place! Hurry up! Come over here!" I start jumping around like a hyper five year old on crack, as chory appears at the top of the stairs. When he spots me, his eyes brighten considerably, but I don't dwell on it as I am too happy. He comes over and looks down at me cheerily. 

"What is it? What do you mean leaving? Have you found a way?" He asks, hope shining. I wish. Oh how sad it is to have to crush this teeny sliver of hope. 

"No, unfortunately. But she said we can have a break! Isn't that smashing? I know just where to take us! Come on, chop-chop." I urge, walking into the room with a pep in my step. They are already in a circle, joined at the hands and ready. I grab chory by the hand and drag him to the middle of the circle, so excited I could die. Not really, but still. Juicy joins the vacated space and clasps her hands in theirs, completing the circle. 

"Nandos nandos nandos nandos nandos!" I chant merrily and she rolls her eyes. 

"Close your eyes, both of you. ......Good. Now Simon, think of Nandos and do not take your mind off of it. I will say the incantation and you will be transported." They all start chanting at this point, and I focus fiercely on nandos. I picture the perri-perri chicken, that deliciously spicy sauce that goes with it. Sniffing, I suddenly smell...something nasty. Opening my eyes, I see that juicy has caused us to land in a bathroom stall! Gross! I look at chory and his eyes are still closed, so I nudge him. He opens his eyes, and confusion flashes through them. 

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