Chapter 6

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FBI Agent Sally Roux couldn’t believe herself. She was sitting up in bed with her head in her hands regretting the night prior.  Next to her, hidden under a thin white sheet was a scandalous specimen of a man that she had no business getting into bed with. She groaned in dread.

Yesterday was a mistake. It was a Friday night and her partner and some other work colleagues decided to take Sally out drinking to celebrate her reinstatement.  They ended up going to some club called The Drunken Monkey.

“Shot…shot…shot,” they had chanted as Sally drank one tequila after another. Eventually, she started to feel a little woozy and as her balance went out the door, so did her inhibitions.

Sally had pulled out her cell phone and drunk dialed, “Where are you?”

“Hello? Is this Sally?” the voice on the other end asked.

“Where are you?” she repeated impatiently.

“I’m at home. Where are you?”

“Hmm…I’m at,” she looked around and giggled. “I don’t know. Where am I?”

“It sounds like you’re at a club.”

Sally giggled again. “Riiiight! I’m at the Drunken Monkey. C’mere and join me.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“C’mere,” she slurred.

“Are you alone?”

Sally was starting to feel hot. She took a deep breath and exhaled so that her bangs moved by the strength of her own breath.

“Sally are you still there? Are you by yourself right now?”

“Come and get me,” Sally had pleaded.

“Give me twenty minutes. I’ll be right there.”

That was the last thing she remembered until she woke up this morning to find something heavy across her chest. Imagine her surprise when she saw that it was an arm attached to a very attractive man that a few hours earlier she had sworn was the bane of her existence.  

“What was I thinking? Why? Why? Why?”

“Why what?” the male voice next to her asked.

Sally cringed. She had no idea how this had happened. It was wrong on so many levels. Sally never usually drank and this was why. She was a horrible drunk and couldn’t hold her liquor. She ran her hands over her face and tried to rub off any eyeliner that may have smudged from the night before. She needed to gain her normal composure. She was an FBI badass not a messy drunk. This had to be handled delicately. If she wasn’t careful, both she and he could get into some serious trouble. She looked over at the source of her problems this morning. She still couldn’t believe it. Lying in her bed, as if he didn’t have a care in the world was, Dr. Colin Spencer, her FBI therapist.

At Group Therapy

Artie Wilkerson wasn’t sure if he should’ve come to group this week. He couldn’t believe that he was almost caught by Joelynn Lewis at the police station the other day. He had given Trixie a ride to the police station because she wanted to report her friend missing. He was going to take her back to her motel but then he saw Joelynn and she saw him with Trixie. How humiliating. Maybe she couldn’t tell that Trixie was a hooker. "Yeah right," Artie thought, "A blind man could tell Trixie was a hooker."

“Does she think I use prostitutes?” Artie asked himself.

He had been attending the group sessions and was thinking of quitting until Joelynn Lewis showed up. She was like a ray of light in the dark community center classroom that they held their sessions in. Her personality wasn’t bright but she was still alluring. She kept to herself and it was obvious she wasn’t ready to open up yet. Artie noticed that she seemed to care for Bertie, another group member. He also noticed that Dr. Colt Spencer kept looking at her. Every time Artie glanced at Dr. Spencer, he would notice the therapist staring at Joelynn. It was weird. Therapists weren’t allowed to date their patients so he didn’t understand why Dr. Spencer looked at Joelynn so much.

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