Chapter 18

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"Are you sure about this Roux?"

Sally looked at her partner Donald Ferguson and nodded, "On the count of three."

Donald quickly unlocked the door and the two barged in, guns drawn, shouting, "FBI!" as they saw two men standing in front of them. The house was a mess. It looked like someone had turned the house inside out. The two men vandalizing the house stopped what they were doing. One of the men flung a large text at Ferguson who dodged out of the way. The two men ran in different directions, causing Donald to run after one and Sally to run after the other.

"I said freeze!" Sally shouted as she chased the man into a dark hallway. She advanced slowly, "It's not a good idea to run from the FBI."

She heard faint laughter and quickly spun around to where the sound was coming from. She couldn't see a light switch and walked into one of the bedrooms. She was surprised when she felt someone kick the back of her knees, causing her to stumble forward. She lost the grip on her gun and it slid forward and out of her reach. She quickly turned around to see her attacker preparing to kick her. She grabbed his leg and pulled. He lost his balance and fell forward on top of her. Sally pushed him off of her and the two struggled. She landed a quick punch to his face which he attempted to return. Sally dodged his fist and landed another punch to his torso. As he doubled over on his knees, she grabbed the back of his head and pushed his head downward, slamming it against the hard floor.

She cringed at the cracking sound she heard and pulled out her handcuffs. "That sounded like it hurt," she muttered as she tried to cuff him.

He rolled away from her, "You bitch!"

Sally knew her gun was in the direction he was heading towards, "If you stop right now, I'll go easy on you."

"Yeah right! I'm not stupid."

"Who are you?" Sally asked. "Are you one of the Demon King's crazy fans?"

"A disciple?"

"Crazy fan...disciple. They're the same in my book," Sally was standing now as the two faced one another. She was wondering if she should just lunge forward. She didn't know if he had a weapon since the room was still pitch black. "So do you know Chad Harris?"

"You mean the guy that owned this house?" the intruder asked.

"That's right, just keep talking," Sally thought. "Yeah. Did you know him?"

She could hear the man laughing, "No. Didn't know him. Not personally anyway."

"So you know of him?" Sally deduced aloud.

"Everyone knew of him."

Sally didn't quite understand, "What are you doing in this house? Why were you destroying everything?"

"Now why would I tell you that?"

She took another step forward, "You know you're going to tell me eventually. Either here or at the station. I'll have you spilling your guts faster than you can say Demon King."

She heard him laugh again, "I doubt that. The true disciples that serve him would never betray his confidence."

"You make it sound like he's still alive. Don't you know? I'm the one that killed him? I shot him dead."

The man didn't respond and Sally took another step forward, "When I shot him, I watched him fall and do you know what I did right after?"

He still didn't respond.

"I smiled," Sally whispered into the darkness. "I smiled because I finally killed that sick sonofab-"


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