Chapter 12

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"He seems to have a thing against women," Dr. Spencer sat across from Special Agent Sally Roux as she sat at her desk going over the Deadly Disciple case file.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as she began placing the pictures back into a manila folder.

"I'm here to consult," he took a sip of his coffee and smiled at her. "Aren't you proud of me for not being upset about how you treated me the other day?"

"How did I treat you? I don't remember a thing."

Dr. Spencer gave a half smile and shook his head as he straightened his tie and put his coffee down. "You win Sally. Let's forget it ever happened."

"Dr. Spencer, I didn't ask for a consult this morning. Despite what you may think, I am able to read your notes in the case file."

"I just wanted to check up on you since this is your first case in three months. Also, it's very closely related to your last case."

"Thanks but I can handle myself and this case without you playing watchdog over me." Sally stood up and realized she had no reason to. She just felt uncomfortable being around him.

"I'm not playing watchdog over you. I just wanted to check on you." His eyes traveled up and down her body making her feel as if the temperature in the room had gone up.

"Stop it!" she hissed.

"Stop what?"

"You know what...coming in here without a good reason."

"Actually what prompted me to come here is your supervisor recommending you attend additional sessions with me."

"What?" Sally didn't believe it. "Why would he recommend that? Are you lying to me?"

"Still suspicious of me I see. I feel as though your trust issues are a problem you continue to have. If you don't deal with them, they'll affect your life not just professionally but personally."

"Problem? I'm an FBI agent! Of course I'm going to be suspicious of people! And if I were you...I would get your professional and personal life in check before you start talking your psychobabble to me," Sally slammed the case file down on her desk.

"Listen Sally, there's no need to be so defensive. Your boss just mentioned that you were starting to make accusations against Vincent McDaniels."

"How is that a problem? I asked if we could bring him in for questioning and was shot down. How does that make me require your services again?"

"Your supervisor thinks you may still be caught up in your last case. There's no evidence to indicate that Vincent McDaniels is involved in these murders." Dr. Spencer was looking down and tracing his finger around the edge of his coffee mug.

"No evidence? Am I in the Twilight Zone right now? Vincent McDaniels wrote a book which helped make the Demon King famous. He has legions of fans that love him and a dead serial killer. How is he not involved?"

"He just wrote a book Sally."

"No, didn't you read it? It's called raising the Demon King. He didn't just write a book, he spawned a murderer. For all we know, he's probably doing it again...except this time it may not be a biological son. Or maybe it will be considering the way he got around in the past."

Dr. Spencer sighed. "I'm going to have to recommend you continue your sessions with me Sally."

Sally stood there quietly fuming. She was trying to get a grip on her anger. "Fine," she said. "I'll go to the extra sessions. I'm not sure how this is appropriate considering what happened between us, but fine. I'll play this game with you."

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