Chapter 22

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"So you're his partner?" Agent Sally Roux asked Artie who was sitting across from her. He was wearing police issued sweats and didn't seem to be as scared as he was earlier when Agent Ferguson was interrogating him.


"What is your role in this partnership?"

"I bring him his victims."

"What do you mean?"

"I find him the prostitutes. I pick them up in my car and take them to him."

"Him who?"

Artie laughed, "Nice try. I'm not telling you who he is."

"So how many women have you brought to him Artie?"

He shrugged.

"After you bring him his victims, then what happens?"

Artie fidgeted in his seat.

"I wait until he's done and then we get rid of the bodies together."

"How did you two meet?"

"Online...on the forums. He private messaged me."

"So if we go into your account, we could see the messages between you two?"

"I deleted them."

"Is that so...?"

"Yes." Artie was giving her clipped one word answers but Sally didn't mind.

"The last two women were local prostitutes. Did you know them?"


"No? You didn't know them?"

"What else do you think no means?"

Sally lowered her head and smirked, "Artie, how did you two decide where to hide the bodies?"

"We don't really hide them...we just kind of dump them."

"So you saw the bodies after he stabbed, shot, and mutilated them?"

Artie shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah. I guess so."

"You guess?"

Artie sneered at Sally, "Yes. I saw those dead whores."

"So you saw the bullet wounds?"

"Didn't I just say I did? He shot them tons of times. They were full of bullet holes!"

Sally leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Artie..."


"Why are you lying to me?"

"Who said I was lying?"

"You did. By telling me a load of crap. Your partner never shoots his victims. If you were trying to get arrested, don't worry. Obstructing a federal investigation with a false confession is against the law. Your ass will be in jail tonight. If you're lucky, you'll be able to make bail tomorrow morning."

Sally stood up as Artie lowered his head. "I'm not sure what's wrong with you kid, but lying to the FBI wasn't a bright move."

Outside the Police Station

Dr. Colin Spencer was sitting in his car with his cell phone pressed against his ear.


"'s your brother."

"I kind of guessed that by looking at the caller ID."

Dr. Spencer laughed, "Don't be a wise ass. Hey do you have a patient by the name of Artie Wilkerson?"

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