Chapter 23

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"Did you get it?"

"Yeah. I got it...but I can't give it to you today."

"Why the hell not?" Vincent was staying at the Hilton as he wanted to be away from his house in the woods.

"Look, there's a lot of heat around me right now. If anyone sees me with you's my ass on the line."

"Listen here Spencer, I need that file. You have twenty-four hours to get it to me."
"And if I don't?"

"Oh appears the doctor finally grew a pair. Are you trying to defy me right now?"

There was a moment of silence on the other line before a low murmur, "No."

"I'm at the Hilton. Room 111. I expect you to deliver it within twenty-four hours." Vincent pulled out a cigarette and began to light it.

"I'm telling you I'm going to need more time than that."
"More time? And you call yourself a disciple?"

Dr. Spencer cleared his throat, "I'm just saying I need a little more time. If I go now...people might notice and I'll have to be the one answering a million questions."

Vincent blew a puff of smoke into the air before answering, "Twenty-four hours." He hung up the phone before Dr. Spencer could reply.

A knock on the door got his attention. "Vincent? I know you're in there. Open up!"

Vincent padded across the room in his bare feet before swinging the door open and scowling at his sister. "What do you want?"

"Vincent. I want to see Artie. I have a bad feeling," Wanda barged into the room where Vincent was standing.

"Wanda, I just left the kid off a few hours ago. Besides, I don't think you can claim having some kind of telepathic connection with him as you weren't ever there for him."

"Shut up Vincent. I'm serious. Take me to Artie's."

Vincent put his cigarette out and took a deep breath before agreeing to pacify his sister.

As they exited the hotel, Vincent could have sworn he saw Special Agent Sally Roux's black SUV. "This is going to be fun," he muttered to himself.

The drive to Artie's was quick and when they arrived, Wanda knocked repeatedly on the door. No one answered.

"It's already late afternoon, where could he possibly be?" Wanda asked.

Vincent shrugged, "He's not my kid."

Wanda knocked on the door again, but this time she also grabbed onto the door handle and jiggled it. The door was unlocked. She looked at Vincent in surprise as she opened the door to enter. She gasped.

"What the hell?" Vincent was behind her and could see the living room furniture was in disarray.

"Vincent," Wanda said his name out in fear.

"It's probably just from the search warrant. They always leave a mess."

Wanda stepped forward into the living room, "Artie?"

Zucchini, Artie's bird was making a lot of noise and flying against the thin caged bars that held him captive.

"Artie, where are you?" Wanda called out again into the small apartment. She found herself walking to the kitchen. Vincent stayed behind to tease Zucchini in its cage. He heard a blood curdling scream which caused him to roll his eyes.

"Is that really necessary Wanda?" He walked to the kitchen to see Wanda on the floor with a dead Artie in her arms. She was covered in blood.

"Well...I guess we should call the cops," Vincent said without any emotion in his voice. Wanda was sobbing and exclaiming what a horrible mother she had been to poor Artie. Vincent walked out of the kitchen and dialed 911. For a moment he had contemplated just telling Agent Roux who was probably still waiting outside in her SUV. Vincent thought it would be more fun to let her see the ambulance and police come. He smiled as the emergency operator came onto the line.

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