Chapter 16

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Wanda shoved a stick of gum in her mouth as she stood against the brick wall of an old building downtown. She was waiting for her regulars and hoped the mint from her gum would mask some of the booze and nicotine from her mouth. She was too old to be working the streets but she had a few men that had been seeing her for years and felt a compulsion to partake in her services. She looked up at the cloudy sky. It looked as if it would rain soon. A rumbling in the air confirmed her suspicions. She hoped she got at least one customer before it began to pour and her night would be ruined.

A black sedan drove up with its lights on. Wanda shielded her eyes from the light and pushed herself off of the wall. The man was wearing a baseball cap and tinted glasses.

Wanda smirked, "He must be trying to hide his identity to wear those glasses at night." She sashayed to the driver's window and leaned in, "Hey there honey, you looking for someone to keep you warm tonight?"

The man laughed, "Not exactly."

Wanda laughed and stood up from the window, "I'm sorry. My mistake." She didn't want to play games tonight. Her regulars would be here soon and there was something familiar and off-putting about this guy.

"I need your help Wanda," he said as he lit a cigarette.

"Now how did you know my name?"

"Oh come on Wanda. You really don't remember me?" He removed his glasses and Wanda gasped. She recognized the light blue eyes. Vincent McDaniels had the eyes of an angel. Unfortunately, she knew that he had the soul of a devil.

"How did you find me?" She backed up a step.

"Find you? I never lost you Wanda. I need your help."

"I'm never helping you again. Not after what you did to that girl. You're sick!"

"You're killing me here Wanda. Don't make me return the favor."

Wanda stood there in her mini-dress and stilettos that she was too old to be wearing, freezing, and it wasn't even winter. Vincent's cold glare was making her shiver. She knew he was serious. He could easily kill her without blinking an eye. He was evil in human form.

"What do you want from me?" she whispered.

"You act like I'm forcing you to help me out. I just need you to talk to someone for me. That's all."


"You'll find out later. Now follow me so we can buy you some clothes that fit you. Aren't you a little too old to be hooking?"

Wanda crossed her arms, "I don't want to go anywhere with you."

Vincent held his hand out the window and slammed it against the door. "Get in the damned car Wanda!"

Wanda looked around. No one was paying attention to her or the car in front of her. No one would even know that she was in danger. People minded their own business in this area. It wasn't unusual to turn a blind eye to illegal doings. She walked around and got in the car.

Vincent smiled and replaced his tinted glasses. "Now was that so hard?"

Wanda kept her arms crossed and sat as close to the door as she could.

"Are you scared of me Wanda? You don't have to be you know. After're my sister." The smile he gave Wanda made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.

"Who do you want me to meet?"

"Your nephew."

At Her Apartment

It was raining outside and Joelynn was exercising in her apartment. Dr. Spencer suggested she exercise to relieve stress. She tried yoga and hated it. She tried some crazy infomercial workout that was completely insane. Now she was trying Zumba. She actually enjoyed it. The music from the exercise video made her forget all of her problems and she could easily lose herself in the dance moves.

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