Chapter 10

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Jacob stumbled home and unlocked the door. He called out into the darkness, “Mom!” He needed to talk to her. He wanted to clear the air. Fighting with his mother wasn’t something he had ever done before so an uncomfortable feeling had lodged itself in his chest. He knew he had overreacted the last time the two of them had spoken.

“Mom,” Jacob walked to her bedroom and opened the door after lightly knocking.

She wasn’t there.

“Where is she?”

He walked to his bedroom and sat on his bed. He needed to make up with his mother but it looked like she was out. It was really late so he didn’t know where she would be. He texted her.

“Where are you?”

He didn’t get a response. Jacob emptied his pockets and saw the napkin he had gotten earlier from Edward. He smiled and placed it on his dresser. He once read a quote that life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. He thought of Joelynn saying goodbye and now here he was saying hello to Edward. People come and go in our lives. Jacob sighed. He didn’t want anyone to leave his life…for any reason.

He checked his phone again. Still no messages. He called his mother but she didn’t pick up. Now he was worried. It was almost midnight and his mother wasn’t home. Where could she be at?

In the Lobby of a Days Inn

Lupita Torres waited for him. She held her purse tightly against her body. Her right hand was hidden in her purse, clutching a small Smith and Wesson.

“Have you waited long Dulce?” a voice she recognized asked.

“Don’t call me that!” she hissed. She stared at Vincent McDaniels. He was wearing a baby blue dress shirt with black slacks and loafers.

He simply laughed, “Why not? You used to love that nickname.”

“I don’t remember that you evil man.”

“Fine…Lupita. Could you please stop with the dramatics? I’m glad you wanted to meet. We need to talk.” He led her from the lobby to the room that he had rented. “So…what did you want to talk about?”

He tossed his keycard onto the nightstand and began unbuttoning his dress shirt.

Lupita stared at the man that didn’t seem to age. His dark hair, blue eyes, square jaw, and cleft in his chin made him incredibly handsome. Any other woman would probably be excited to be alone with him. Lupita was not. She knew him for what he really was…evil.

“What are you doing?” Lupita asked as he took off his dress shirt. He had been wearing a white tank underneath.

“I’m getting comfortable. “ Vincent answered. He smirked at her discomfort. “Why are you acting so shy Lupita? It’s not as if you haven’t seen me naked before.”

She gasped, “As if I had a choice!”

He kicked off his shoes and asked again, “What did you want to discuss? Or did you want to do something else other than talk?”

His eyes roved up and down her figure like a starved animal looking at a delicious piece of meat. Lupita felt uncomfortable and her grip tightened around the small gun in her purse.

“You still haven’t change. You look the same as you did over twenty years ago.”

Lupita’s eyes narrowed, “How could you remember? You were always high or drunk back then.”

“Oh I remember Lupita. I remember everything about you.”

“I want you to stay away from my son.”

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