Chapter 28

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A/N: Kinda what the altar looks like but with candles around the edge

~3 days later (The day of Theo's funeral)~

Keira's POV:

It's the day of Theo's funeral and I feel drained and broken, I've been distracted and hidden myself away from everyone to study these words, with the short time I had I was able to learn them all. I know what must be done and how I'll do it, and I won't care if his fate will change, there is only one person who matters, and we all know who that is.

DONG... DONG sounded the bell from the tall, cobbled tower, alerting us that its starting, I ran and looked out the window seeing a body carried to the hall with Noah following behind his eyes puffy from his crying. Its time and now is the only time I can do this, or it will be too late. I grabbed the book, the vial that contained that assholes blood, wondered how I got it? When he fainted, I collected it while no one saw I had a feeling I needed it for my future, now I know why. I ran upstairs so I was on the balcony and went into the hall's balcony above them. The place looked beautiful, the candles floating from the elder's magic dimly lit the hall with the flowers surrounding the stone where Theo's shall be placed, in perfect view. Now it's just the waiting game.

A few hours have passed and now every wolf from the pack has been gathered into the great hall and now they're laying Theo, who's covered in a white piece of cloth so only the online of his figure is shown, was being lowered onto the stone alter with dim lit candles and wax dripping from the sides. I knew it was the time, but I had to get Noah close, so Theo can sense him. "I think it's time for the spell don't you think my child?" I turned around and saw Cora in the cobbled doorway, "You scared me Cora" I said breathing heavily.

"Sorry my dear but time is of the essence, you don't have much time" she said, and I looked down and after a while I nodded. "Ok, I guess it's time" I grabbed everything I needed, a clothing that belonged to Theo in my right and a piece of Jays clothing in my left, I would burn what Jay's, but it will be useful, and the Goddess will make sure he is treated well.

I faced towards the alter and closed my eyes and started to chant the words of the spell that I have fully remembered:

Ad deam invoco

Omnia enim vestra potentia et potentia;

Da mihi aditum fatum mutare,

Ad Superos peto ostium aperire;

permutatio peto;

Anima pro altera;

Redde Theo ad regna viventium;

Et in mentibus meis oculis;

Accipe unum, quod monstravi tibi.

As I open my eyes, I saw Jays clothing beginning to burn up by a flame turning it into ash while Theos started to glow but ever so faintly. What could this all mean?


Theo's POV:

This world with the Moon Goddess has become a welcoming place with the different kinds of flowers and glowing bugs flying around me making me feel relaxed in every type of way, I've gotten closer and closer to Freya where she will show me different areas of the world where I used to live in, with the different species like humans, other packs, witches, warlocks and more. It was extremely interesting, but it was all a blur when I was shown, it felt like it was rushed. My body had these odd tingling feelings now and then but recently they don't stop, and my hands and body would glow, even Silver was glowing more than usual, and his smile never faded like he knew something that I didn't know.

Out of the blue, the petals that were laying on the floor started to create a tornado and Freya appeared from the tornado in her same white glowing dress with her long brown silky hair. "My child how are you?" she asked, "I'm ok thank you, what brings you here?" I replied.

"Well, it seems your fate keeps changing Theo" she replied with a sigh, I looked at her confused until a black star started to descend and slam against the ground making the so-called ground shake. "This is the reason, someone has decided to end ones fate and continue yours to the ending I initially had planned for you" as the smoke clear my face lost all its colour to the point I was whiter than a sheep and the person in my presence was Jay but then I realised he looked different... his leg was chained to a massive iron ball and his arms were chained together to his neck that looked like an iron collar.

"He is now paying for his crimes; I warned him that there will be revenge and he will suffer when his fate ends... never knew it would be so soon" she said looking saddened. "But nevertheless, you and Silver will have great lives, I no longer control your fate Theo, you're now writing it. A new chapter has been made for you and I can tell just from what I've witnessed in your life, he will protect you forever and they will remember you for centuries" she said with a smile. Suddenly my feet were lifted off the ground and me and Silver joined together once more and we were, for what it looks like, a ball of light. "I will be watching over you" and with that I was ascending away into the sky as this world became a darkness and to see my body lying on the alter and I quickly approached it and felt my world get swarmed into this darkness and for the first time in a while I felt my lungs draw in air and the shocked gasps from everyone that I could hear.


Keira's POV:

I-It worked, it actually worked! The spell brought him back! I felt my cheeks starting to hurt from the wide smile that had grown on my face. As I looked around as my vision begin to blur from the tears that pricked my eyes, I saw everyone standing with pale, shock faces and Noah there on the floor his eyes bulging from his sockets as he heard Theo's breath. They were all scared. Theo began to sit up while he was rubbing his eyes like he had just been asleep all this time. I quickly ran down the starts standing at the end of the isle watching their every move. "Tell me I'm not imagining this" One of the wolves said, "How can this be possible?" said another, "It's that witch that came back with them, that's why, she's probably messed with his fate" replied another wolf. I looked towards them, and their heads immediately lowered. "I may have messed with fate, but I did it for a cause of this pack and for the goddess' path for another to re-join her for their judgment." I said with my voice getting firmer and firmer. I walked over to Noah and placed my hand on his shoulder, he tensed up and looked at me "How is this possible" he asked with a shaky tone.

"Because we had everything we needed, and the goddess is rewarding him for his sacrifice" I replied smiling at him. "Now go and help your mate, he has returned to your side" he nods and stands up slowly approaching Theo.


Theo's POV:

I-I'm back, but on an altar like I saw while floating from the goddess' world. I will miss her but I'm glad to be back, I missed everyone. As I looked around not knowing particularly where I am and feeling like I've just woken up from sleep, I got the sudden urge to stretch. As I closed my eyes, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and a scent that I could never forget. I looked and saw Noah, my beautiful mate looking at me with fear in his eyes. "T-Theo are you really here?" he asked with a shaky breath. I smile at him and place my hand on to his cheek, he looks so fragile and broken, it made my heart break. "I'm here Mr Alpha, I'm back and I'm not leaving again" His eyes started filling with tears and they slowly ran down his pale face. "I fucking missed you baby" he said kissing the palm of my hand, "I missed u too" I replied feeling my eyes fill up with their own tears and pulled him close hugging him tightly as he returned it. I started hearing the clown starting to clap and howl which I'm guessing is for celebrating me back. I smiled at them but mostly towards Noah while he smiled down at me only one thing was on my mind. I was home again.


A/N: So glad to be back doing this and finish this chapter. Please leave a comment, like and vote ^^

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