Chapter Eight

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I was supposed to have Sundays off but for some reason I found myself up and about at my usual time making breakfast for everyone. Even though I knew my way around a kitchen I still found myself referring to the numerous cook books Josephine had left behind. I wanted to be good at taking care of the Lancaster's and that meant improving my cooking skills.

I was still getting the hang of being a nanny and housekeeper but nobody had died yet which was a good sign

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I was still getting the hang of being a nanny and housekeeper but nobody had died yet which was a good sign. My thoughts veered off to my first riding lesson the previous day and I found myself grinning like a fool. I had a great time with Nathan and the kids. I was starting to realize that the harder I tried to stay away from him the more impossible it became. Maybe I just needed to find someone else to fawn over. I didn't want to ruin my job over possible feelings for my boss. Sure he was hot, with the face of an angel, the body of a greek god and the smile of a siren but still it was a no. I needed to know my limits if I was to set down roots in Woodcreek.

I quickly finished laying out breakfast in the dining room for the family and on the patio for the workers before retreating back into the kitchen to clean up after myself.

"Good morning Savannah."Nathan greeted me walking into the kitchen dressed in a suit.

If I thought Nathan in casual clothes looked hot then him in a suit was scorching. I raked my eyes from the polished loafers on his feet, to the well fitting black pants hugging his thick thighs, a matching black coat over a white button up and a black tie. Even his hair was slicked back.

Holy Mary mother of all that is holy have mercy on my poor soul.

"Good morning sir."I choked out composing myself.

"Church."He muttered in explanation tugging at his tie.

I smiled at how uncomfortable he looked but the slut in me appreciated his etiquette at wanting to be properly dressed for church.

"You look great, stop fussing."I chuckled.

"Thanks."He replied letting go of his tie.

"I've already laid out breakfast for you."I informed him.

"Yeah I've seen, which is why I came here in the first place. What are you doing making breakfast for us? It's your day off."Nathan demanded.

"I know but I was already up and had nothing to do. Besides you can't take the kids to church hungry."I answered.

"There's cereal."He scoffed.

"I made something better than cereal, let them eat to their fill."I retorted.

"Okay but don't go around making lunch, enjoy your day off. Today let me worry about what they'll eat for the day."Nathan requested.

"Please don't, he'll make us have wraps again for lunch."Ivy pleaded walking into the kitchen with an empty pitcher of juice.

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