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I set the bouquet of flowers down infront of the gravestone swiping my tears away. I was barely there two minutes and I was already crying. It was an emotional moment for me though, Nathan and the kids were meeting my mom for the first time ever. Yes I was back in New York City and I had brought my whole family with me. It was summer and the kids had refused to go to any camps so we were taking a family road trip around the country. It was more for me than for them since Nathan wanted to show me the country more but we couldn't leave the kids behind.

"Mama I knew I said I would never be back but I wanted to introduce you to some very special people. This is my boyfriend Nathan and our kids, Luke, Daniel, Ivy , Ethan and Clara."I introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Watson."Nathan expressed laying a single rose next to my bouquet.

The kids did the same laying single rose stems infront of the gravestone paying their respects to my mom. They were being so sweet and understanding even though a trip to the cemetery had not been on our itinerary.

"Savannah did your mama look like you?"Clara asked me.

"Yes but she was a bit shorter and with longer hair."I replied.

"Then she must have been very pretty."Clara declared making me smile.

I squatted to her level and pulled her in between my legs as we stared at the gravestone.

"She was very beautiful, kind and loving."I replied recalling a random memory of my mom.

My memories of her had faded over the years but some of them were forever ingrained in my mind.

"So she's in heaven with our mom and dad and our grandparents."Clara added.

"Yes sweetheart she is. They are all up there looking down on us wishing us well and taking care of us. They are like our own personal guardian angels."I answered.

"Kids why don't we give Savannah some space, I'm sure she wants to rant about us to her mom."Nathan chided making me laugh.

He was making light of the moment but he knew I needed some time alone with my mama. The kids especially Clara seemed reluctant to let me go but eventually Nathan managed to convince her.

Once we were alone, I lay my back against the gravestone running my fingers over the soft slightly wet grass.

"Hi mama, I've missed you, scratch that, I miss you."I confessed closing my eyes and concentrating as if listening for her reply.

I didn't hear anything but a soft wind did blow against me ruffling my curls so I took that as a sign that she listening and that she missed me too.

"I know you already know this but as you can see I'm happy mama. I found my family, my happy place, my people. They are the best thing to happen to me in a really long time and I love each and every single one of them. It's been close to a year since I was released and it has been a great year for me. The kids are amazing, Nathan is a romantic gentleman who treats me like a princess and my bestfriend Freya is the most loyal person ever. I'm lucky to have found them."I expressed feeling overwhelmed by all the love from my family.

Loosing my mom had been the hardest thing especially because of the circumstances behind her passing. The Lancasters were my second chance at having a loving family and I would be forever grateful for them.

"Nathan and I have been talking about expanding our family. He's thirty and I'm twenty five now which is the perfect age to bring life into the world. He doesn't know this but I'm pregnant. Freya and I confirmed it before we left for the trip and I've been looking for the right moment to tell everyone. I know they are all going to be excited. I know I should be worried that I'm carrying the child of a man who hasn't even asked me to marry him yet but I don't doubt Nathan's love for me. We will get married, when the time is right but for now I'm happy where our relationship is."I confessed rubbing my tummy.

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