Chapter Ten

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"Fuck."I cussed out when I hit my finger with the hammer again.

I took my gloves off and put my thumb in my mouth hoping to soothe away the pain. I didn't cuss, I'd stopped doing that for the sake of the kids but I was picking up that terrible habit again.

"At this rate, you'll loose all your fingers. What's up with you boss? You look distracted."Raul asked me.

Raul was my foreman and did most of the heavy lifting around the ranch after me of course. He was a straight up guy, didn't speak much and was adored by my kids. He had been working for me for three years and he had proven himself to be a good worker. Of all my workers I was closest to him but it didn't mean I would go around pouring my heart out to him.

"Nothing."I grunted putting my glove back on and choosing to ignore the pain.

We were fixing a fence that had rotted out replacing the poles with new ones. It was something I'd done hundreds of times before without as much as a scratch but for some reason I couldn't stop hurting myself. And it was all because of her.

Savannah Grace Watson.

The woman who wouldn't stop haunting my days as well as my nights.

Savannah had been working at the ranch for more than two weeks and she had been wonderful. The kids loved her, especially Clara who was obsessed with her, she did her job well and never complained of the workload being too much or the kids being a hassle. Taking care of five kids, that huge house and feeding a dozen workers was not an easy task but she managed it perfectly without any past experience. The woman was an angel and I patted myself of the back for taking a chance on her.

Everything about her was perfect, maybe too perfect and it was messing with my head. After being around her so much I couldn't help but start to notice the woman behind the nanny and housekeeper role. Only a blind man would fail to appreciate the feminine figure that woman possessed but with the strength of a man. Her outfits consisted of tight fitting jeans and tank tops which was totally acceptable if it wasn't for the fact that it drove me wild. When I was around her I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Anytime I caught a glimpse of her cleavage when she bent over I almost always swallowed my tongue. The jeans accentuated her ass and hips perfectly tempting me and it didn't help that she was gorgeous too with beautiful brown eyes, full cupid bow lips and a killer smile. Her tattoos and piercings only made her more alluring to me and by God did I want her.

I wanted her so bad it made my blood boil. One would think I was a virgin who had never been with a woman before. The woman was driving me mad and she wasn't even aware of it.

"Fucking hell."I cried out for the umpteenth time after I hit myself again.

I took off my glove and saw that I'd actually managed to draw blood this time.

"That's it, either stop or tell me what going on. You'll cut off your hand next. What's bothering you?"Raul insisted.

I looked at him and realized that he wouldn't let go until I told him the truth. I took off my stetson and used my bandana to wipe the sweat off my brow and then wrapped it around my bleeding finger. I sat on the grass leaning against the pole bracing myself for the talk we were about to have.

"What do you think of Savannah?"I asked Raul using a stick to scrape mud off the sole of my shoe.

Raul looked at me confused thinking about my question for a second before answering.

"She's good at her job, makes an awesome casserole and someone you can actually have a laugh with. She's great."He replied carefully watching his words.

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