Chapter Twelve

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I wiped the steam off the bathroom mirror revealing my haunted reflection staring back at me. I looked tired and I was but there was no room for that since it was Sunday morning and like always I had church with my family. My parents had raised my brother and I in a Christian household and my brother had upheld that with his kids. I couldn't break tradition so I kept it on wanting to raise the kids like my brother would have wanted.

I never had a problem with going to church every Sunday but this particular morning I felt like sitting it out. I was still tired from my escapades with the boys on Friday night and trying to heal from the mother of all hangovers. Sure I'd had fun but the hangover that came with it was not worth it. I would never do that to myself ever again no matter how good it felt to be stupidly drunk. The hangover was terrible but the memory loss that accompanied it was even worse. I didn't remember anything that happened after my run in with Donna except for the fact that I'd tried to drink my own body weight.

"Fuck."I cussed out loud recalling waking up in Savannah's bed in nothing but my underwear.

My first thought had been to panic since I had no idea what had led me to that situation. The thought of us sleeping together had crossed my mind but I couldn't even confirm that. Thankfully after a shower I'd felt better and Savannah assuring me that we didn't sleep together made it all better. It's not that I didn't want to sleep with her but when it happened I wanted to remember ever second of it.

"Nathan."The culprit behind my haunted thoughts yelled from the bedroom.

"Yeah."I responded having no energy to move away from bathroom mirror.

"I finished ironing your shirt."She replied.

"Thank you, place it on the bed. I'll be right out."I requested.

"Okay."She responded and a second later my bedroom door closed as she left.

I sighed in relief realizing I didn't have to see her. Ever since I'd woken up half naked in her room the previous day something had changed between us. She had assured me that nothing happened and that I had done nothing wrong but I still felt extremely embarrassed. I'd been avoiding her and in a way she was avoiding me too. I didn't know what I had done but I couldn't gather more courage to ask her.

I sighed in frustration and pulled myself away from the mirror. I hopped into my bedroom and got dressed for church starting with my prosthetic. Another imperfect thing about me to add onto the pile of whatever I'd done or said to Savannah to make her behave so weird towards me. I didn't want to dwell on that so much so I got dressed quickly in one of my nice suits before leaving my room.

All my kids were in the dining room having breakfast dressed and ready for church and just like I had expected Savannah was nowhere in sight.

"Good morning."I greeted trying to be as enthusiastic as possible.

I got excited replies since for some reason all my kids actually liked church except for Luke who went because it was a family rule. He would have preferred to spend the day studying game plays but the Lancasters went to church on Sunday. I sat down next to Clara and kissed her forehead good morning. I made myself a plate from the selection of breakfast foods Savannah had prepared for us and dug in. Sunday was her day off but she still insisted on working instead of sleeping in like most people did on their days off. I liked it though because it kept the kids happy and fed as we went in for the service. It also felt nice coming back home to a delicious meal after church.

"Ready to go?"I asked when we were done with breakfast.

I got four yes' and one grunt which was totally acceptable. I picked Clara up and walked out of the dining room with the rest of kids behind me. I caught a glimpse of Savannah through the kitchen door and my heart clenched with a foreign feeling. She didn't look sad or lonely but she wasn't happy either. I would have invited her to go to church with us but she would probably turn me down like all the other Sundays. I knew she believed in God, she probably just wasn't Baptist. I grabbed my car keys from the bowl by the door as I walked out of the house.

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