Chapter Twenty Seven

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I tapped my pen on the blank piece of paper thinking of what to write. Finally after coming up with the words, I put the pen down on paper and let my thoughts flow. It was an easy enough letter to one of my favorite people and once I was done I read it through to make sure it was okay.

Dear Leona,

How are you doing old lady? Saying I miss you doesn't feel enough because I think about you everyday. I'm sorry I didn't write sooner but you said that I should write to you as soon as I'm settled and now I finally am. I'm the happiest I've been in a very long time and its thanks to the wonderful family that hired me when I got out. I'm also dating someone, Nathan, he's a cowboy who owns his own ranch in Texas. Oh yes, I almost forgot, I moved to Texas to a small town called Woodcreek. It's a wonderful place and I think I'll settle down here.

Nathan and his five kids, yes five, don't judge me, it's a whole story but you know I wouldn't put myself in a situation that didn't suit me. This family has become everything to me. I didn't know I was going to become an automatic mom when I got out but everything changed once I met the Lancasters. I love them and they love me. I'm finally happy and in a place I can call home. I'll be sure to visit one day and maybe you can meet Nathan then.

For now I'll keep sending letters and updates. I hope you enjoy the books I've sent to you. Don't read them all at once.

With all my love,

Savannah G.W

"Perfect."I mumbled to myself as I folded it and put in an envelope.

After that I set it on top of the box with books that was taped up nicely, ready for delivery. I had taken too long to send a letter to Leona but better late than never right. I just hoped she was still okay and continuing to rule prison in a nonchalant bossy kind of way.

It had been two months since I was released and yet it felt like years. So much had happened in those nine weeks but I wouldn't change any of it. I was learning and growing at a pace that I appreciated.

"So this is where you have been hiding out?"Nathan asked walking into his office.

I looked up at him and smiled twirling around in his big boss chair.

"I needed to write a letter and its the only room the kids wouldn't think of searching for me."I replied.

"Well you can hide out here anytime."Nathan replied stalking towards me.

I got up so he could sit then took my place on his lap. He smelled like the outdoors, raw, primal, all male and mine.

"Did you finish writing?"Nathan asked me.

"Yes, can you drop it off at the post office on your way into town?"I requested him.

"I'll be sure to take it with me when I leave."He replied.

"Thank you."I mumbled leaning up to kiss him.

The kiss got heated pretty quickly but we had to stop ourselves before we went too far. The kids were in the house.

"So what are you doing today?"Nathan asked me.

"Ivy and Clara talked me into taking them for a picnic. Ethan is coming with us since Freya is out of town today."I replied.

"You four have fun but be careful, there's a tornado warning."Nathan replied.

"It's December, how can there be a tornado?"I asked.

"It's Texas baby and its probably nothing, we've gotten a couple the last few months and they've amounted to nothing. It doesn't hurt to be safe though that's why were rounding up all the animals and keeping them indoors until this blows over. You and the kids have fun just make sure to be careful."Nathan advised.

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