Chapter Sixteen

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I had watched enough movies to know that football was a big deal in America especially in small towns but living in one gave me the real experience just how true that was. The whole town was abuzz with excitement about the game happening later in the day. For once I could see the positive side of a small town being so close together. All I wanted was to buy a couple of things in town but I couldn't go one step without being stopped to answer questions about Luke and how he was doing or being told about other players on the team. It was all in good faith though and for once I wasn't getting any death glares or judgemental looks so I embraced it all.

"Will this be all?"The cashier asked me.

"Yes."I nodded retrieving Nathan's debit card so I could pay.

He had given me one when I started working to make all purchases related to the house so I didn't have to keep asking him for money.

After I was done paying, I grabbed my bagged items and carried them to the truck, putting them in the back seat. I'd done shopping earlier that week but due to baking for the sale in Clara's school on Tuesday we had ran out of a couple of things like flour and sugar. Clara was also developing a taste for Cereal and since it wasn't unhealthy Nathan and I had agreed to indulge her so I had to buy more.

One thing I liked about working for the Lancasters' is that shopping didn't include lots of groceries because they grew most of them at the farm. We always had fresh produce which actually made feeding everyone so much easier.

I was about to get behind the wheel when I noticed the book store Freya had taken me to on our first day hanging out across the street. I had read all the books I had bought previously and needed more so I locked the truck and crossed the street.

It was fairly empty when I entered except for a couple of old ladies having book club in one corner.

"Hi welcome to Endless Pages, how may I help you?"The cute little librarian at front desk asked me.

"I just want to browse through and get a couple of books."I replied.

"Go on ahead, please do tell me if I can assist you with anything."She said.

"Thanks."I mumbled and walked further inside.

I headed directly into the romance section looking for some titles that I wanted to read. I also added a couple of historical romance titles since I was yet to send the first ones I bought to Leona. Before I left I passed by the kids section to pick up a couple of books. Clara had shown interest in wanting to read with me and since I couldn't exactly read erotic romance to her I got her something more age appropriate.

"Did you find everything you were looking for?"Miss Librarian asked me when I placed all the books I'd chosen on the counter.

"Yes."I replied with a nod.

Since this was a personal purchase I used my own debit card.

"Thank you and come again."Miss Librarian said giving my receipt and card back.

"I will."I replied picking up the brown bag with my purchases.

I left the store walking back to the truck.

I loved working for the Lancaster's but sometimes I needed time to myself and since I couldn't really get any being a full time nanny I took pleasure in the small moments I got to myself like going shopping. I could be alone with my thoughts without any Lancaster around especially a 6'5 giant one that I couldn't see to stop thinking about. I hadn't heard any more mention of Miss Barbie not even from the workers who were bigger gossipers than market women. I didn't know if I should have been relieved or concerned.

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