Chapter Seventeen

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"Savannah is there any cake left? I barely got to have any last night at the after party. It was so good everyone was fighting for a piece."Luke asked as we all had breakfast together.

"I'll take that as a compliment to my baking skills and yes it's still there, you can have some later."Savannah replied.

"Awesome."Luke grinned digging back into his breakfast.

I looked at Savannah and saw her helping Clara cut her pancakes into smaller pieces. Clara could feed herself but she was a messy eater so it was the only way to make sure she wasn't covered in syrup by the end of breakfast.

I sat back in silence and watched Savannah's interaction with the kids. She was such a natural at it and she didn't even realize it. Anyone in her position would have given up in the first three days especially since there were five kids involved but she didn't. She had stayed and learnt what worked for each kid and how to relate to them personally. She was closest to Clara, that little girl had the ability to steal anyone's heart but it was probably because she was the youngest and needed the most attention. We were lucky to have her and I really hoped that she felt the same way.

"Okay guys before we disperse into our different Saturday activities I want us to talk about something as a family."I announced gaining everyone's attention.

"What's up pops?"Luke asked.

"As you all know Savannah has been with us for a month and when I hired her I told you guys that we would have an evaluation after one month to determine if she's going to stay or we are going to have to let her go."I explained.

It was kind of an ambush discussion but I wouldn't want to have it any other way. All the kids started speaking at once while Savannah sat still stunned staring at me.

"Okay enough one at a time starting with Luke, should Savannah stay or go?"I asked.

I knew what their answers were going to be but I wanted to hear it from them. I believed in open communication with the kids so I didn't want to just assume their stand on the whole situation.

Savannah looked a little bit tense and I wished I could assure her that she had no reason to be. All the kids loved her and we were blessed to have her. She would hear it from the kids though so I didn't say anything.

"Stay, she's awesome."Luke declared making me smile.

Savannah sighed in relief giving Luke a fist bump across the table.

"I vote she stays, anyone who can clean my room gets my automatic vote."Daniel added next.

"Yeah, you're lucky she did it, I was about to toss a match in there and let the flames deal with your mess."I commented.

I loved my kids but they were a messy bunch. It's why I couldn't handle taking care of them on my own, maintain the house and the ranch work all at the same time.

"Glad you didn't, Savannah stays."Daniel insisted.

The smile on Savannah's face got wider as she relaxed further when she realized she had won the kids loyalty.

"I vote she stays, we've got lots of hairstyles to try out."Ivy commented.

Savannah indulged the kids on most of their requests and I approved as long as it was healthy for everyone that's why Ivy was spotting a new hairstyle daily. She loved it and as long as my babygirl was happy so was I.

"She can stay."Ethan ever the man of few words declared.

Of all my kids Ethan was the mysterious one. He didn't speak much, was well behaved and always kept to himself unless he was with his siblings or playing the guitar. I thought that something had been wrong with him so I had taken him to a psychiatrist but she had assured me that he was perfectly fine and that was just his personality. He was also the most talented in the family, got perfect grades in school and loved his guitar to death.

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