Chapter ■ 1| Faulty machine

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"T-this is wrong..."

"I k-knew it right from the s-start"

"Mom... Dad... I want  to go home"

I hollered out their name, begging, yet my mouth restricted me from following what I want, only left to shout it out within the abyss.

eyes shut tight, the air is thin, avoiding myself to squirm in such a way that oxygen depletes. Ears, fatigued from this whirring metal that sang throughout the vicinity, I am afraid to look upon the expected horrid sight. But that wasn't the main reason I was scared to open my eyes. Ever since he took me away, I began to feel a sense of fear in my life.

One day or another, I feel like I'm beginning to feel lost in my identity... every day whenever I stare at myself.

I don't see myself anymore...

only by this facade.

"It hurts..."

Soon my ear perked up when the clanking metal soon exhausted, bringing the cold silence of the room with the low revving sound of the ship.

"Eureka! Another outstanding progress!"


"It was quite fascinating that you haven't screamed today!"


"What... you haven't become deaf or something right?"

He bawl out, grimacing from the fresh pain as he clamp down his fist and knocked at the side of my head, only to hear a metal clank rather than the sturdy one.

My face burrowed in annoyance, begrudgingly opened my eyes and ended up blinded by this shallow light. My eyes halted in pain, and with a few blinks, my eyes began to focus.

"Morning sunshine"

fuck you...

I cursed, glaring at him with all my might.

"I know you had been cursing me inside, already knew that...nothing too surprising"


"Just a little more (y/n), and soon you'll be my perfect creation, just do what you need to do and I'll give you back to your petty world.

"You're nearly complete, look."

He bickered, losing the smeared glass that I am in, encapsulated by this suffocating tube to finally breathe the usual oxygen I always have.

But that came to a halt.

I felt the sickening fear creeps throughout my body, eyes mesmerized by the 'outstanding project' he did.

"Say hello to your new you."

I felt my legs become jelly, glancing at the horrid creature that mimics how I move.

The mirror... lays a person? Can I even express it as a person? Tears start to pour in... but instead, the usual crystalline colors fall a black liquid goo streams down my cheek.

A metal figurine stood in the mirror, half of my face got turned and replaced by this metal side, with this burning red eyes.

My right arm... gone... replaced by these rigged metal scraps that look like one of his pets. But what catches me the most is this encapsulated red glowing chip that was placed exactly where my heart resides, encrypted to my human flesh, which is why it stings me when I move.

"If you are wondering what this red chip in your chest is I am happy to enlighten you about it."

He crow, delving his hands through his pocket as he showed me a small three chip on his fingers.

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