Chapter ■ 3| Bickering Hope

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*Weeks later after the celebration of the victory against the metal virus*

I feel... numb.

That's the only thing my mind can think of, Ever since that... Explosion, everything happens in a blink of an eye but the process was painful to reimagine. I felt my heart still spang in defeat remembering those countless chips that got burned to crisps...

Everyone may seem to be having a celebration about something? Do I have any idea what it is? Not a single one. I wasn't familiar with this world since Starline took me, he never gave me a chance to see the outside world. So ever since I got flown away I was astonished at where I landed... although it was a miracle I survived but the landing...

Never knew it was all deserted... all grass and structures were made out of metal.

"Is this what Eggman's creation is?"

"wh-where is everybody?"

I had questioned myself but soon didn't bother anyway... It was a great opportunity for me to take a step back to all Starline's tortures... and also... to keep the last three chips protected.

but now everything turns back to normal I can hear the citizens all cry in joy and cheers yet I didn't even bother to look at what's happening... I am more focused on resting.

Yet no matter how silent I was for the past weeks, The two still managed to have contact with me.

"(y/n)! where are you?" Infinite spoke through the built-in chip that echoes sounds in my ear, his deep chilling voice still send shivers down my body.

"Don't find me...I'm fine on my own..."

"I can't possibly do that, you'll get in  trouble without us"

"Why do you even care anyway?! If so, I heard you can teleport with your oh-so power! why can't you just do that now." I bickered in pure annoyance.

"You know I can't do that anymore... my life depends on him now, and also the ruby, Starline created for me has been modified wherein I can't teleport away that easy."

"Whatever it is I don't want to go back."

I brayed, and soon the piece shifted to static which makes my face grimace in annoyance till its channel changed where my ear boiled in anger when I heard his voice again.

"No! let (y/n) stay there, we don't need them here. (y/n), since you utterly urge us to stay there then I suggest we should start what the agreement is shall we?"

I sighed in annoyance while I wait for his next response, even though I only hear his irritating British voice I can imagine his face within and I was wholly disgusted by it.

"Silence means Yes they say. Nevertheless, you wanted to go home that badly right?"

my ears perked up at what he said, I completely forgot about my home! I shouldn't be staying here that long knowing my people, Ray still living unfairly.

"what do you want." I spoke sternly

"See... That's what I like about you
(y/n) know what to follow."

"Taking a chaos emerald with the freedom fighters will be a bit hasty for us so the best thing that we can do is to get what Dr. Eggman has."

"How? I don't even know where this old guy's base at?"

"That's when your metal side kicks in. here, I'll send the coordinates to your memory, I don't think you can change that, so... you don't really have a choice"

I pinched my leg, preventing any foul words to spit out through the earpiece.  

"Do you got that?"


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