Chapter ■ 7| ways to escape

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Am I doing the right thing?... Is this it?.... Is this where I will be saved?

"Don't worry... I'll protect you."

Those words spun around my head... someone to protect me? Heh... never heard that for quite a long time, although he's an animal talking to me... supposedly animals never really talk how humans are supposed to, but these 'Mobians' are quite peculiar...

And...he seems nice...

The chameleon stood in as his hand reached towards me... piercing yellow eyes to my pained demeanor thanks to these convulsion thoughts. Heroes... they are a hero... he is a hero... then trusting him wouldn't be a mistake... right?

I reached my hand to his white gloves yet midway I hesitated...

This chaos emerald... whenever it appears on my head, I feel my body begin to be restless. I can feel my stomach churn unsatisfied whenever the emerald were not in my grasp. But its main reason is what kept my body feeling the dead shivers.

But I don't want to go back... this is it... the opportunity for me to be saved... Starline wouldn't figure it out, right? What about these freedom fighters? Are there more like him? Someone that sparks hope in anyone in times of pain?

But he said to protect me right? I shouldn't be doubting at all.

I accepted his offer still, the smile prolonged within him, although it was dim I can't help but mimic his expression.

His smile... his utter demeanor is somewhat calming I can't pinpoint what makes him calming since he's different from what I encountered with him back then.

"Oh and uh... you wouldn't mind, taking t-this off to me?"

He uttered with a hitch of fear in his voice. I toned down as I stare down towards his leg impaled by a shiny metal color that slowly plagued his legs.

"O-oh R-right!"

With a huff in discomfort, the gashes and bruises I got started to linger through me hitting with a hard sting throughout my body. But I let that slide, this chameleon needs my aid first... I didn't mean to infect his metal leg in the first place.

With concentration, I pointed my hand towards his leg, with a huff as If I know what I am doing, although I don't really know how, I did it back then, which proves I can do it again.

I extend my hand but nothing is happening, the chameleon stared at me waiting for any magical reaction that will occur.

"Come on (y/n)..."


"Look out!"

The chameleon's deep voice shouted, heavy pressure felt within my chest as I lunged backward with a thud before a clank of metal was heard.

In utter confusion, I open my eyes wide realizing the chameleon was now on top of me, w-what is even happening? What was that noise? Why am I b-blushing?...

"Be careful..."

"What w-was that?" I asked but instead, he pointed his gloves above as I followed them through before my eyes widened in fear.

"We have to get out of here before those metals come down and prick us alive."

The chameleon sternly said while I shivered on the sickening thought of myself vividly grotesque in metal spears that skewers my whole body... unable to move.

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