Chapter ■ 11| Salty eyes

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"You got a bruise again on your face..."

My mother told me, damping a cold towel towards the darkening color forming through my cheeks. hitching from the mixed cold and pain felt within the swollen cheeks.

I got myself beaten up again...

"What happened?"


"Hey, I told you to move faster!"

I dropped all the scraps I had meticulously carried from the pit as I tumbled on the ground. I bit my lip as I heard them laugh at how clumsy I am and felt mocking eyes stab at my back.

our boss wasn't around that time, that is why the punks reign over, feeling dominant to others, especially to me, they like to tease me around. I don't even know the reason why? Is it because I am the only one that is young in the group? But no matter I hate to work I can't possibly stop... I have to... It's the only reason why there is still a thing called food that we eat every day...

I couldn't do anything but obey their every command; I felt this feeling of fear... fear of getting hurt more. they would hit me for every mistake, every stumble or slip-up I could possibly make. and when they finally felt satisfied with what they had done, they'd finally leave me alone...the only times I can finally able to hear myself. A few more bruises later, they wouldn't even care anymore, as long as their kicks landed right...

but sometimes there are some points that are just too much...

"There is no one to save us."

the supposed guy who was the leader of their group snatched the poster I always hold dear.

"Our entire world is fucked up and every day it's just getting more worst.

so scram your idea that someone will save us!"

he stepped closer with this dirty toothy grin all plastered on his face

"Heroes. Aren't. Real."



For the first time... I disobeyed my father's rule, only let the anger do its job, and severely punched him in the face causing his nose to bleed profusely.

A sickening tension of pain grew and fell to my arm, pinning and holding my arms down tightly with both hands. The other guys laughed sickly at how pitiful I looked, his hand slowly raised, and I can see the veins puffed out at the back of his hand, how the amount of force he'll try to exert it...

preparing to attack me in the face...

but everything turned slow... eyes gaze on the person preparing his fist to land on my face, pinned down by his other looney, face slowly covered in shadow, closing, embracing the impact I'll have to endure.

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