10.) Is It Love?

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Tristan woke up in his bed with Honey draped across him, her head in his chest, her leg around his waist. He could smell the shampoo she'd washed her hair with the night before as he held her, looking down at her.

The week since he met Ross as her man had been blissful. He spent all but one night with her, and waking up to her was like nothing else. Going to sleep with her in his arms just made his days complete. Full. He knew he wanted to spend his life with her. By now, she was comfortable. If he could deal with her taking a shit in his bathroom, or starting her cycle right when he started to get her clothes off, he could deal with her.

Leaving her asleep, he carefully got up to go and pee and brush his teeth before he threw on a pair of shorts and headed down to the kitchen.

Lea was in the kitchen with the girls. Myia sat at the table and Anastasia sat in her high chair as they had breakfast. Lea was on her laptop.

Although Lea was out of her cast, she was taking great care not to become a party animal again and be a mother. So he didn't need to worry that if he wasn't home something would happen to his baby. He could see her taking great care to be a better woman. Every time he prayed, he prayed for Lea, too.

"Good morning, sunshine," she greeted, glancing up and sipping her coffee.

"Cute. Good morning."

Lea didn't even look up at him as she continued typing and scrolling.

"I saved you and Honey plates in the microwave, and Kara wanted me to let you know that she went jogging. This concludes your morning announcements."

Tristan chuckled, going to pour a glass of orange juice. Lea always did have a good sense of humor, and he loved that about her.

"Thank you."

"You welcome."

Tristan kissed his daughter and sister before he took the plates back up to Honey.

She was still asleep and naked, so he set the plates down and leaned over her, kissing her lips softly. "Honey," he said softly.

"No," she complained, turning on her side away from him, hoping he'd leave her alone.

"I have food," he said in a coaxing tone. She sat up for that. He chuckled and shook his head. "Look at 'cho ol' hungry ass, ma."

"Shut up, asshole."

She slid out of the bed to pee and brush her teeth before taking a hot wash rag to her skin. She didn't have an issue climbing back into the bed naked as the day she was born.

She and Tristan had breakfast and she went back to sleep. He shook his head.

"I gotta get to work, baby. You gon be alright?"

"Is the Italian Mafia planning a visit?"

"No," he said, confused, his brows furrowed.

"Then yea. I'ma be fine."

He shook his head and kissed her before he went to get ready. In the shower, his mind wandered off to every time they were together in it. She was wifey.

As he headed down the stairs, he could hear Lea telling Kara that she was working for Adina and apartment hunting. "I can't stay here, Kara. I love him so much still, and I want him to be happy. But seeing him with Honey is killing me slowly on the inside. Every time I see him kiss her, my heart tells me how that used to be me."

Tristan didn't want Lea to see him, and he stood there a moment listening. He wasn't rushing Lea out. But if she wanted her own place, he wouldn't beg her to stay. Whatever happened, there was a child involved, and that was his first priority. His only concern. His kindness to Lea right now was extended only because of their little girl.

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