25.) With Love

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After the reception, Honey was changed into denim shorts and a tank top while Tristan was given khaki shorts and a white tee.

Neither was aware of their destination, but each knew it had to be warm because of the clothes they were given.

"Where are we going?" they asked their mothers together for a final time as they stood a few feet away from a docked boat with a foreign driver.

Lovey and Kara exchanged a look and a smile. "Y'all just make sure to give Ross a real big thank you and hug," Kara said.

"And call us when y'all get there," Lovey added.

This didn't work out for the couple. They wanted to know where the boat was stopping. Especially the bride.

"Tell us," Honey whined.

Kara gave Tristan two duffle bags. A pink one that would clearly belong to Honey even without the name monogrammed on the side, and a black one.

"Have fun!" their mothers said together, shooing them off towards Ross.

Honey was especially displeased as she walked off and she wanted to know. So she would try Ross.


"Y'all mamas promised to kill me if I told y'all. Sorry," he told her.

Honey scowled and looked over her shoulder at her mother and Kara. Ross just chuckled and kissed her forehead. He knew she would enjoy the trip.

"Have fun, Honey."

"Bye, Daddy. Thank you for everything. I love you."

"I love you, too, baby."

Honey kissed his cheek and waited for Tristan. The two men embraced, and Tristan thanked his father-in-law for taking care of the wedding.

"Think of it this way, in a couple of decades, it'll be your little girl, and you gon want to make sure she'll have everything perfect for the day she give her life to another man. It was the last thing I did for Honey Piermont. Take care of my li'l girl, Tristan. Whatever her last name is, I did love her first and will always love her the way only a father can. I never killed no one. Don't make me," Ross told him, looking him dead in the eye.

"You don't have to worry about it. Honey in good hands with me, sir."

"Have fun. Bring me a new grandchild back."

"I'll do my best."

Tristan went and took his wife around the waist and they boarded the motor boat. Myia was waving goodbye with the biggest grin, looking adorable in her lavender dress. The couple waved back to their baby sister.

Honey knew the boat driver spoke limited English, so asking him the destination would be pointless.

The boat docked an hour later on an uncharted island, and when the couple got off, all they could see was white sand and beautiful huts raised off the ground. The island looked like someone's dream come to life.

A woman in a bikini top and a thin floral cover up around her waist stood there with a smile and a tray containing coconut shaped cups. She had long, black hair, smooth Hershey's chocolate colored skin, and a natural beauty about her. Honey didn't know what her husband was doing, but she was staring at the pretty woman.

"Welcome to Iba Island," she greeted with a Bahamian accent. "My name is Lolita and I'll be your guide."

She offered drinks to the couple and Honey took a sip of the fruity concoction, following their guide to the designated hut.

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