22.) Touch

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Trevor dropped by Lea's place and looked around in disapproval. "I ain't known you to like this much pink," he told her.

"I'm renting from Tristan fiancée daddy. It came furnished. Do you hear me complainin'?"

Trevor laughed and put his arms around Lea, leaning down to kiss her. She smiled up at him. It had been such a long time.

"Where is the baby?"

"She's taking a nap, so don't go waking her up tryna play."

Trevor chuckled as Lea headed into the kitchen, going to make a quick meal. She was sure Trevor hadn't had anything homemade since his mom and dad moved down to Florida.

He promised her that they would really try the relationship thing and that he didn't want to jump right back into the sex, but when he was watching her ass swaying like that, it was a hard subject not to think of. Having that baby did a real number on her ass and hips.

"You hungry?" she asked, mindlessly bending forward to retrieve a skillet.

"A li'l bit," he replied, licking his lips, watching her. He wouldn't mind eating her.

He did want to give Lea a full relationship and the world, but right now, his dick was thinking about the last time he was with her and the year of celibacy since she'd last let him have a taste.

Lea started making patties for burgers and looked over the counter at Trevor. She knew she still wanted him something terrible. Like him, she hadn't had any since their last time. Horny didn't describe it.

"You want fries?"


Lea made lunch and finished just as her daughter woke up. Anastasia came from the room, whining. "Maaaa."

"Yes, baby?"

"Gotta pee pee."

Lea washed her hands and took her daughter to the bathroom. When the girls came out, Anastasia looked quizzically at the man on the sofa. She had never seen him before.

"Hi, Anastasia," Trevor greeted with a smile.

The toddler looked up at her mother and then to the stranger. "Hi," she said softly. She didn't know why this stranger knew her.

"Come on and eat, Trev."

"Make that invitation after the baby wake up. I am shocked, Lea," he joked with her.

She rolled her eyes and started towards the kitchen, not denying that he was going to get in her panties tonight if they weren't careful.

Trevor followed Lea to the kitchen, and she made Anastasia's burger for her, putting the condiments and sliced pickles on for her. He watched Lea be a mom to her daughter and even though the child wasn't his, he adored seeing Lea be that way. The next time she was a mom, it'd be to his baby.

Anastasia looked at Trevor the whole time. She still didn't do a lot of talking, although at this point she could put whole sentences together, and adults who were around her often, and Myia, could understand her.

Anastasia looked up at her mother and back to Trevor. "Wha's you nabe?" she wondered.

Trevor didn't understand any of that and he looked up at his girlfriend for help. He had only seen sonograms of the pretty little girl in front of him, so she was completely new to him.

"She asked what's your name," Lea told him, putting the ketchup, mustard, and Miracle Whip back in the fridge.

"My name is Trevor."

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