33.) Not This Way

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Tristan was rushed to the hospital, and Honey picked up his crying daughter as the police asked everyone to stay where they were so that they could question them. Everyone had a slightly different version, but the one thing they all agreed on was that Tristan had been shot first and that the man was going for his little girls before he shot them. It was totally defensive. Since Tristan's gun was registered, there were no crimes against him.

The police officer talking to his family seemed really sorry for the three girls as hot tears streamed down all of their faces. "Your husband will make it out fine," he told Honey sympathetically, rubbing her shoulder. Honey could only nod.

She took the girls to his car, and there was a heavy silence in the car, save for Anastasia whimpering for her daddy.

Myia wanted her brother to live. More for Honey and Anastasia and her unborn niece or nephew. It was no fun to miss her daddy and watch her mom roller coaster on being fine then being broken. It was one of the hardest things in her life. She didn't want Honey and his kids to feel that.

Honey finally managed to put the car in drive and take the girls home. She went to wake Kara, and as soon as Kara saw Honey's face, without her saying a word, her heart understood and she could only pray. Lord knew that she couldn't lose her son, too. Not on Andrew's birthday, especially.

The girls didn't need to go to the hospital, so Honey asked Naila to come over and keep an eye on them. Her sister was there in ten minutes flat, hugging her baby sister. "Calm down, baby. The last thing Tristan need is you to have an asthma attack. Hold it down for him," Naila said softly, rubbing her back. "Where is your inhaler?"

"I don't know!" Honey sobbed, taking jagged breaths.

Naila got her sister to calm her breathing before she went to sit with Anastasia, who had cried herself to sleep, and Myia, who sat there with a blank expression, staring at the wall.

Honey knew that she had to tell Lea. They had a child together. While most things in Tristan's life were not her business, him fighting for it was. Lea was so shocked that she said nothing for a full minute. Then she asked about the girls before telling them she was on her way.

At the hospital, Honey went to the information desk and asked for Tristan Trueheart. "I can't give out information to anyone who is not the immediate family of the patient."

Honey tried not to act a fool up in this hospital today, but her husband had just taken three bullets, and she needed to hear something.

"I'm his wife," she told her.

The nurse rolled her eyes and popped her gum. "Girlfriend and wife are different titles. Learn yours, honey."

"She is his fucking wife," Kara snapped. "Now tell us what's going on with my son before I take my foot and shove it down your throat. We are not in a state for playing games right now. Don't test me in this hospital, bitch, or you gon need it," she warned.

If Honey had not been so distraught, she'd recognize one of many hoes she had to put in check about Tristan, but she was distraught, and she didn't recognize her. She just pulled out her new license with her new name. "Honey Trueheart. I'm his wife," she told her.

The nurse rolled her eyes and told them that he was in surgery, and she would have the doctor tell them what was up.

The two went to sit down, and as soon as Lea and Trevor came in, Trevor comforted Kara and Lea held Honey.

Lea now understood the feeling Tristan had when she was the one laid up in the hospital. It was a sinking one. It was scary, but she sat there and prayed for him, that he would be alright. Or that if God took him home that his family would find the strength to go on. She hoped his children got to know their father. She wanted Honey's unborn and Anastasia to have everything that Tristan was.

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