31.) Family

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Honey got Anastasia dressed while Myia and Tristan were out. Myia needed a new outfit.

Anastasia splashed in the bath, grinning away. Honey couldn't help it as she smiled back at the baby. She was just so cute.

Alex had flown his French girlfriend in on Mother's Day after she had spent her day with her own mother, and the day was nearly over in the States as well. He wanted to be sure she did spend that Sunday at home with her mother.

When Honey got Anastasia dressed, she used the lotion Lea put in her bag. It was a specially made formula, and Honey respected what Lea did and didn't want on her baby girl's skin.

When Tristan and Myia got back, Myia hopped in the shower, and Anastasia jumped up in her pamper, grinning. "Doddy!"

She jumped into his arms and he smiled at her. He adored this little girl like no one would believe. He'd never known how strong the love of a father could be until he was one.

"Hey, let Belle dress you," he told her.

Honey decided that if Lea preferred for her not to be called by her name, she would take Bellemère or Belle for short. So Tristan actively participated in this effort by calling her Belle, knowing that Anastasia called her what she heard him call her. Sometimes, she called her baby.

Anastasia went back to her stepmother and let her put on her shorts and dress. Lea had copped her the cutest little shoes, and Honey thought today was a good day for her to wear them.

"Where is my mom?" Tristan wondered. He could tell she wasn't in the house.

"Where else?" Honey rolled her eyes. "Somewhere wit my mama. Probably conspiring to take our kids."

Tristan laughed and sat down, taking Anastasia back in his arms as she toddled back over. He could hear Myia getting out of the shower.

Honey put on a sundress and looked in the mirror at her rounding belly. "You think people can tell I'm pregnant?" she wondered, wrapping her hands around the little bulge.

"You look like you just had a big dinner," he told her.

She looked at the side profile, and he was right, but she shrugged. Her family knew she was expecting.

"Let's get outta here before Alex think we ain't coming," she said, getting out the mirror.

Tristan chuckled and went to check that Myia was ready. "I'm putting on lotion," she called through the closed door.

Tristan respected his sister's privacy, and that she was developing and he didn't need to see her naked. She could take her own baths without assistance, so he felt he never needed to be around while she took one or right after she got out. He knocked on her door.

"Well, hurry up."

When Myia met up with the rest of the family, she had on her jumper and sandals, her hair braided from Honey doing so the night before.

They left the house and went by Alex's place. Honey could see Passion there with Jamal as Lea came and took her hand, pulling her over to Alex and Colette, introducing the two.

"Enchantée," Colette told her, shaking her hand with a smile.

Honey liked her. She was a hottie and she seemed like a sweetheart, but her attention was drawn to Passion, and she excused herself to go speak with her sister.

"Passion, why you back wit that fool? You can do better," she told her, taking her hand. Honey missed her sister dearly and didn't like the road she was going down.

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