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" Try and take him then

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" Try and take him then. "

" JADIS! JADIS! QUEEN OF NARNIA! Empress of the lone islands! " - The dwarf, Ginarbrik, called out. He stood in front of the throne carried by the four cyclops, yelling out the name of his empress, bowing, yelling a few compliments of her every now and then. The white witch sat on the throne, holding her chin high, looking at the narnians with disdain. The cyclop kneeled and placed the portable throne on the ground, where she stood up and took another look at the crowd before continuing.

" You have a traitor in your mist, Aslan. " - She said, earning shocked faces and glares from the crowd. The Pevensies and (surprisingly) Olivia took a step closer to Edmund, as an instinctive act.

" Her offence was not against you. " - Aslan stated calmly. He always had that tone of voice of one who was in control. He was always very aware of every situation, and seemed always in charge and had an answer to everything.

" Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built? " - She tilted her head. Finally, Jadis had found the loophole in Edmund's betrayal.

" Do not cite deep magic to me, witch! I was there when it was written. " - Aslan growled, finally annoyed. It was the first time Olivia had actually seen Aslan look angry, in all of the five months she had known him.

" Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property. " - With that, Peter unsheathed his sword and at the same time, Olivia got herself in a battle position.

" Try and take him then. " - Peter said.

" Come on. " - Olivia said with a sadistic smile. She was longing for the witch's blood on the palm of her hand and the glory of a victorious and finally peaceful Narnia.

" Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right, little king? " - Jadis directed her gaze to Peter.

The difference between Peter and Olivia was that Peter wanted to protect his brother, but Olivia wanted to protect her kingdom.

" Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. " - Jadis turned her body towards the Narnians, her statement creating rumours and panic across the crowd. She pointed her finger to Edmund - " That boy will die on the stone table, as is tradition. "

Olivia moved her feet to stand in front of Edmund. She barely knew the boy, but nobody was dying on her watch. Edmund was prophesied to one day be a great king, and Olivia planned on him living to become one. She planned on Narnia having the king they deserved.

" Enough. I shall talk with you alone. "


Aslan waited inside the tent for more than an hour, and the people grew impatient. The four Pevensies sat on the grass, tired and distracting themselves. Edmund was picking on the grass, and Lucy rested her head on the palm of her hand. Susan fiddled with her saddle and Peter simply stared at the ground, deep in thought. Olivia was talking with Oreius and a guepard, Marlyn, about possible battle strategies. They were considering what surprise could come out of that tent, and how to prepare for every single one of them.

Suddenly, the crowd stood up from the ground and started murmuring, seeing as Jadis left the tent first, Aslan following behind. The witch locked her gaze with Edmund, while the boy stared at her in fear, and Olivia's eyes looked at every movement Jadis did, with her hand resting on the weapon on her saddle. The four Pevensies stood together, Lucy and Susan holding hands in comfort.

They all looked at Aslan, with eyes filled with hope and fear.

" She has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood. " - And the folk erupted in cheers. The Pevensies all smiled and celebrated, the Narnian laughed and hugged each other, at peace. The only one not celebrating was Olivia, who knew that would come with a price.

" How do I know your promise will be kept? " - Jadis questioned, standing in front of her throne. Aslan roared in response, one that scared the witch to a level that she fell on her throne, sitting down and looking in awe at the big cat. The crowd laughed and celebrated even more, looking at the face of defeat on the portable throne.

Olivia looked at her left, seeing as Edmund hugged his younger sister and lifted her in the air, the two smiling widely. Perhaps the boy wasn't as bad as she thought.

The Narnians threw a party. If there was one thing Olivia loved, it was the Narnian parties. The music was hypnotising, it was so magical that the humans couldn't stop dancing until the music was over. She loved playing the instruments, and gathering around the fire swinging hands and clapping with the people.

But that night, the girl didn't celebrate.

Instead, she spent the day with Aslan, who was in a bad state after the conversation with the witch. She fell asleep hugging the tame of the lion, resting her head on his back while they talked about Jadis. Olivia tried convincing the feline for him to allow her company when having to face the white witch at her camp.

Aslan responded that she was just a too valuable person and he wouldn't risk losing her too. He did not let Olivia go, he sang for her a lullaby to help her sleep instead.

The next day, Olivia woke up with a faun shaking her awake, desperate, his tears falling down onto her body as she was shaken.

" Aslan is dead! "

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