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" That's quite beautiful

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" That's quite beautiful. "

CORIAKIN INVITED THE KINGS AND QUEENS inside his house. Drinian and Eustace had tagged along as well, and Caspian instructed the crew to search for food and water in the island. Coriakin was showing them around the house when Lucy asked:

" What did you mean when you said you made them invisible for their own good? "

" It seemed the easiest way to protect them from the evil. " - Coriakin responded.

Edmund, Caspian and Olivia shared a look, and Edmund corrected: " You mean the mist? "

Coriakin came to a halt on his steps, and showed the small group to a room. " I mean what lies behind the mist. " - He confirmed.

The room they entered was a library. The library was filled with flying books, and the ceiling was enchanted to look like a moving night sky. The elder man grabbed a big scroll from one of the shelves. He opened the scroll and threw it on the floor, and it magically turned into a moving map on the floor.

" That's quite beautiful. " - Eustace confessed as he looked at the ground. Everyone looked at him with confusion and a grin on their faces. - " I mean, for a make-believe map of a make-believe world. " - He corrected himself, flustered.

" There is the source of your troubles. " - Coriakin said, and the map moved across the ocean, eventually reaching land. - " The dark island. A place where evil lurks. "

The island itself was entirely dark with a light hint of green. It seemed to be made out of smoke, and only with a bare solid ground. " It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. "

Edmund gulped as he felt the stare of coriakin piercing through his soul. He instinctively tugged on Olivia's hand, and intertwined their fingers nervously. She squeezed his hand and took a deep breath.

" It seeks to corrupt all goodness, to steal the light from this world."

" How do we stop it?" - Asked Lucy, coming forward.

" You must break its spell. That sword you carry- " - Coriakin pointed at the hem of Edmund's sheathed weapon. - " -there are six others. "

" Have you seen them? " - Olivia asked.

" Yes. "

" The six lords, they have through here? " - Caspian interrogated, curious.

" Indeed. " - Coriakin confirmed.

" Where were they headed? "

" Where I sent them. " - The elder man responded. Once again, the map moved on its own until it reached another piece of land. - " To break the spell, you must follow the blue star to Ramandu's island. There the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their true magical power be released. But beware, you are all about to be tested. "

Drinian and Caspian shared a look, and without even realising, Olivia was tucking the hem of her spear with her free hand.

" Tested? " - Lucy questioned.

" Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in its power to tempt you. Be strong. Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself. "


September 13

Dear diary,

For reasons beyond my comprehension, we've taken the advice of a senile old coot who doesn't possess a razor and dawdles around in a dressing gown. So, we're back in this tub and lost in a tempest. Brilliant. Fourteen days of being tossed like a pancake and not the slightest sign of land. The only consolation is everyone is finally as miserable as I am. Except for that show-off talking rat. He's one of those annoying glass-is-always-half-full types

The next day ( September 14th ), at night, Drinian, Edmund, Caspian and Olivia held a meeting in the war room. While Caspian and Olivia sat on a small couch by the window, the other two chose to stand up, holding themselves to the ceiling, trying to maintain balance.

" So, we're stuck here. " - Spoke Drinian, pointing to a spot in the middle of the sea next to the name 'coriakin' on the map. - " At half rations, with food and water for two more weeks, maximum. This is your last chance to turn back, your majesties. "

Caspian, Edmund and Olivia shared a look, while Drinian continued talking about their situation. - " There's no guarantee we'll spot the blue star anytime soon. Not in this storm. " - The captain used his head to point to the window. - " Needle in a haystack, trying to find this Ramandu place. We could sail right past it and off the edge of the world. "

" Or get eaten by a sea serpent. " - Edmund retorted with a straight face, making Olivia facepalm and Drinian hold a scowl. Caspian glared at Edmund, who didn't seem to be bothered by it.

" I'm just saying, the men are getting nervous. These are strange seas we're sailing, the likes of which I've never seen before."

Caspian stood up from the couch, and walked towards Drinian. - " Then perhaps, captain, you would like to be the one to explain to Mr. Rhince that we're abandoning the search for his family. "

" Or tell little Gale that we are giving up on finding her mother. " - Olivia added.

Drinian signed, and looked at the walls, and back at Caspian. - " I'll get back to it. " - Said the captain, and he went to grab his coat. - " Just a word of warning. The sea can play nasty tricks on a crew's mind. Very nasty. "

Drinian exited the room, leaving a gulping and signing kings and queen. Then, without a word, each of them headed to their respective chamber, and decided to lie down for the rest of the night.

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