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" Keep telling yourself that

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" Keep telling yourself that. "

" WUSS. "

" I don't want to hurt you. " - Edmund defended.

" We are practising, idiot. If you don't attack and only defend, what is the point of the duel?! " - Snarled Olivia.

Edmund and Olivia had the habit of practising their abilities with their weapons. Every week, they agreed to head for the open field near the lake in the western woods for practice. It was quiet, and peaceful, and nobody ever appeared. It was their spot.

" I still don't want to hurt you! " - He continued.

" and that is why I am better than you with the sword. " -

Olivia taunted as they both circled around each other with their swords in hands.

" You're delusional if you think you're better than me. " - Edmund smirked.

" Then show me. Or shall I beat you at a duel, again? " - And this time, the boy fell for it.

Edmund charged forwards, but Olivia easily blocked the attack with her sword. Their faces were inches away, and she blew him a kiss, before stomping on his foot to distract him.

She got away from his sword, and she continued with that sly smirk on her face. Olivia raised an eyebrow, and Edmund grinned.

He charged towards her so quickly, that Olivia barely had time to dodge. Edmund repeated attack after attack, not resting and not giving Olivia time to think. He was forcing her to walk backwards, and wasn't giving space for her to try and attack.

He disarmed her, and pushed the girl against a tree as her sword layed on the grass and his was pressed against her neck. The smirk was no longer on Olivia's face, she was instead breathing hard as Edmund looked at her with a bright and malicious smile.

" I win. " - He whispered in her ear. The butterflies roamed freely in Olivia's stomach.

" Only because I let you. " - Olivia muttered back, trying to not lose her composure.

" Keep telling yourself that. " - Edmund grinned, before throwing his sword on the ground and grabbing the girl's waist and closing the distance between them. She wrapped her arms around the Pevensie's neck, forgetting everything around her.

Eventually, their lips parted, and Edmund grabbed her hand.

" Let's head to the castle before Peter throws a tantrum, huh? " - Laughed Edmund. Olivia giggled too, and the boy helped her up her horse.


Edmund and Olivia came back to Cair Paravel. There, awaited Peter, Lucy and Susan.

" Finally! I thought you two were never coming back. " - Exclaimed Peter as the two entered the throne room.

" And I thought you would eventually stop bossing us around, but here we are! " - Retorted Olivia, making everyone laugh.

" Olivia, I'm afraid Lucy and I might need to steal Edmund from you for the evening. " - Susan said, grinning. - " I believe I need his help with a dwarf situation that escalated in the south. I require the assistance of the just king. "

" Worry not. " - Olivia said. - " Today I was heading out with the centaurs anyway. "

" Doing what? " - Asked a confused Peter.

" In case you have forgotten, I take care of the sky, like Edmund takes care of the Western woods. The centaurs dedicate themselves to studying the sky and the stars. They are quite the help. " - Answered Olivia.

It was true. The centaurs were very serious about their studies and interpretations of the stars and the sky. That meant the centaurs were really fond of Queen Olivia of the Glimmering sky above, because not only was she the queen of their land, but she was also the queen of the skies. Obviously, the centaurs were loyal to all kings and queens, but they had a certain special and extra loyalty to Olivia.

" Well, I bid you all my luck then. " - Peter smiled, and they all headed their respective ways.

Olivia went for her room, where she dressed in a hunting outfit, and instead of leaving with her spear like she usually did, she grabbed her bow and her quiver with arrows and headed for the entrance, where Oreius and other centaurs awaited.

" My queen. " - They said and bowed. Olivia nodded, and waved her hand for them to rise.

" Now, shall we? " - She smiled, before Oreius offered his hand and the queen hopped on his back. The group of centaurs and Olivia left for the woods.

Eventually, Olivia and the centaurs reached a wide open field in the woods, where they had a clear view of the sky and the constellations. The sky was dark and no clouds were in sight.

Oreius gently placed Olivia back on her feet and she thanked him, and the Centaurs formed a large circle. They looked up at the sky, and observed the constellations neatly.

In the high heavens ( as the centaurs called ) you could see the stars move and align together. They gasped as they saw the constellations of Elpidios and Haran come together.

The crowd of centaurs started murmuring and whispering, confused and seeking an interpretation.

" What have you seen, Oreius? " - Asked Olivia.

" The lady of love and the lord of finality have come together in the skies. " - He said.

" What concerns you? " - She asked.

" The lord of finality rarely appears in the high heavens. The last us centaurs have seen him was years ago, when the white witch was about to be defeated by Aslan. Lord Elpidios' presence means the end to something. The problem is very vague, it can be the end of an important life, or the end of a peaceful era of Narnia. Since you are the queen of the high heavens, the lords and ladies of the sky run around you. If the lady of love has come, it means your love will bloom. If the lord of finality has come, then either a chapter of your life will close, or... " - He breathed heavily. Oreius felt the lack of air in his lungs.

" Or it means your life is nearly to an end, my queen. "

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