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" The hour has struck

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" The hour has struck. "

AS IT TURNED OUT,  Shasta was Prince Corin's long lost twin brother, Prince Cor. Shasta was actually the first in line for the Archenland throne, which took a great relief on Corin's part, who was glad to now have a brother and have to worry less about the responsibility of being a king.

Olivia found quite funny the name traditions of twins in Archenland. Cor and Corin. Dar and Darrin. Cole and Colin. That was how all names worked there.

And the next night, King Lune organised a feast and he invited his court, the Narnian court, and Aravis, a delightful young girl who had helped Cor/Shasta during his travels to Narnia.

" My friends, " - The king began as he grabbed a piece of Cheese from his plate. - " I'm afraid we still have that sorry excuse of an excuse prince, Rabadash, on our hands. We must decide what to do with him. "

King lune was sitting at one end of the table, with Cor and Aravis on his left side and Lord Dar on his other. Edmund sat at the other end, with Olivia at his right and Peridan on his left.

" Well, your majesty has the perfect right to chop off his head! " - Exclaimed Peridan. - " After all, what he did puts the prince on the same level as assassins and traitors. "

" It's true, " - Said Edmund - " But even a traitor may mend. I know one who did. " - He said the last part with a hint of sadness in his voice. Olivia grabbed Edmund's hand, and intertwined their fingers. He squeezed it, showing how sensitive the boy was to this topic.

" To kill this Rabadash would mean to raise war against the Tisroc. " - Spoke wisely Darrin, a member of the Archenland court.

" A fig for the Tisroc. His strength is in numbers, and big numbers can't cross the desert. But I don't have the cold blood to kill any men, even traitors. If he had died in battle that would have been a different thing. " - Spoke the king of Archenland.

" I say we give him another chance. Let him go as long as he promises to maintain the distance from us, Archenland and Narnia, and he might keep his word. " - Spoke Lucy.

" I don't believe he might keep his word, Lu. But I do think that if he tries this again, we will have the opportunity to chop off his head due to our advantages. " - Said Edmund.

" Very well, we may try. " - King Lune used his fingers to motion one of the attendants. A waiter came, and the king said to bring Rabadash in.

The scumbag of a prince came inside the room in chains, looking pale and unhealthy like he hadn't eaten for a day, which was his option, because King Lune had offered him supper and let him rest in an adequate room.

" I believe you do not need to be told that, by the law of nations and prudent policy, that we have the right to your head. Nevertheless, after some consideration of your youth, ill nurture, lack of courtesy and gentleness, we are disposed to set you free unharmed under conditions. First - " - King Lune was speaking when Rabadash interrupted him quite rudely.

" Curse you, barbarian! Do you think I will hear your conditions? You talk very highly of nurture, when it's easy for you when you wear no chains. Take off these vile bonds, give me a sword and I challenge any of you to me. "

The lords and Olivia immediately stood up, ready for the challenge.

" Father, may I box him? " - Asked Corin.

" Peace! Your majesty! My lords! " - Spoke king Lune, motioning for them all to sit down. They all did, with Edmund drawing small circles on the back of Olivia's hand, trying to help her calm her nerves.

" It's alright, love. He will get justice. " - He whispered in her ear as she sat.

" Let's not be taunted by this man. Corin, please sit down. I ask your highness again to hear our conditions. " - Spoke King Lune calmly. Olivia had to congratulate him later for his blessed patience.

" I hear no conditions from Barbarians and sorcerers. " - Spat Rabadash. - " Every insult you throw at me will be compensated with an ocean of Narnian and Archelandish blood. The vengeance of the Tisroc will be terrible and will dawn upon you all, even now. Kill me and the burning and torturing on this land will haunt thee for thousands of years to come. "

" Oh, you foolish Rabadash. " - Signed Lucy, shaking her head slowly.

But then, the deep sound of heavy footsteps made everyone at the table stand up straight. They looked at the door, and Cor was a bit confused, but did the same.

And then, out came the lion. The majestic lion with the golden bane and four paws. The king of all kings. The true king of Narnia. Aslan. He softly smiled ( the equivalent of a lion smile ) and stood in between Rabadash and table joining the two courts.

" Rabadash. " - He spoke. - " Take haste. Your doom is near, but you may avoid it by accepting the offer and mercy of these noble kings and queens. "

" Demon! Demon! " - Shrieked the prince. - " You are the demon of Narnia! One of the tales! You are the enemy of the gods! Know who I am, for I am a living descendant of Tash, the inexorable. The curse of Tash is upon you. The mountains of Narnia will turn into dust. The- " - Rabadash was interrupted by the lion.

" You have set your own doom, Rabadash. Have it your way. "

" Let the skies fall! Let the earth gape! Let blood and fire obliterate the world! But be sure I won't desist until I have dragged to my palace the queen of the barbarians, the- " - Rabadash was once again interrupted.

" The hour has struck. " - Spoke Aslan, and the prince realised that everyone started laughing at him, for his ears were wiggling and started to grow longer. They became pointy and covered in grey hair. The grey hair then grew on his face and it was horrendous. His nose was longer and larger, his face swell as he turned into a donkey.

" Oh no! Not a donkey! Mercy, may a horse- " - And his speech started malfunctioning, until only the groaning of the animal could be heard.

" Go to the temple of Tash. You have appealed to him, and he is who shall heal you. During the Autumn fest, you shall turn into man again in front of your people. If you ever step away ten miles within the temple, you will become a donkey again, and you won't have a second chance. " - Said Aslan, chuckling too.

And they spent the rest of the night in festivities. The poets sang stories, and they danced and laughed at the sound of music and ate delicious cheeses and chocolates. And Lucy told Aravis and Cor the tale of how the four Pevensies had stepped inside the wardrobe and came to Narnia, where they met Olivia and Aslan.

But it all had to end, where they had gone to bed and the Narnian court set back to their Cair Paravel.

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