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" Prince Caspian? "

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" Prince Caspian? "

THE FORD NEAR BERUNA WASN'T LIKE THEY EXPECTED IT TO BE. It was filled with Telmarines, who were working and collecting wood, building a bridge. As soon as the small party arrived, they immediately hid behind a few trunks of wood.

Peter and Olivia carefully analysed the scene in front of them, and everytime a tree fell down, Olivia felt a piece of her heart shatter. Suddenly, the sound of a horse very near them came, and they had to hide even better. Edmund quickly pushed Olivia to the ground, and placed his hand over her mouth, and wrapped her around him. She was caught by surprise, but didn't get out of his grip.

" Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all. " - Whispered Susan to the eldest. Olivia adjusted herself on Edmund's grip, good enough to see what was going on.

She looked at the men working, and questioned herself if they were workers or slaves. Peter walked away, followed by the rest, except for Olivia, who kept analysing the scene. Edmund had pulled her back, but she had seen enough and took her conclusions to mind.

Back to the rush river, Peter asked his younger sister:

" So, where do you think you saw Aslan? "

" I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups. I don't think I saw him, I did see him. " - Snapped Lucy to her brother.

" I am a grown-up. " - Muttered the dwarf.

" Sure you are, big guy. " - Answered Olivia, passing by him to stay on Lucy's trail.

" It was right over- " - The ground below Lucy gave up, which made her scream and fall.

" Lucy! " - They all screamed. Suddenly, when they saw the hole left by where she stood, they saw sitting on the ground not so far below.

"-here. " - She laughed.


They went down the hill and the rocks, and climbed back up to the other side. Lucy and Olivia almost tripped, Trumpkin helping Lucy and Edmund helped Olivia to not fall.

When they got on top of the other side, the sun was setting and they decided to set up a fire, and warmed themselves for the night. Edmund wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist, and they both fell into a deep slumber and found comfort in the others embrace.

Olivia was the first one to awake, followed by Lucy, who awoke a few seconds after her, in a scare. Lucy was about to call for her sister when Olivia moved her index finger to her lips, motioning for them to be silent. Suddenly, they were snapped out of it when they heard the sound of a twig snapping. Olivia carefully adjusted Edmund's hands away from her waist, trying not to wake him up.

Olivia grabbed her spear and placed it in her saddle, and started moving towards the sound, slowly. Lucy followed her, but Lia was careful, with her hand intertwined with the youngest' one.

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