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" It feels like magic! "

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" It feels like magic! "

IT WAS A SUNNY REGULAR MORNING, where the children got up and got ready for another day at school. Olivia was an early bird, which meant that everyday, she woke up and got ready, and headed for the Pevensie residence. She rang the golden doorbell, and was greeted by Helen Pevensie with a bright smile.

" Oh, hello darling! " - She went ahead and hugged Olivia, who returned the smile and the embrace.

" Hello Miss Pevensie! Good morning. " - Olivia greeted, politely.

" Oh, dear, I've been telling you for the past two years, it's Helen, not Miss Pevensie. " - Helen said, opening the door and allowing Olivia to enter.

" Oh, sorry miss- I mean, Helen. " - Olivia corrected herself.

" It's quite alright. The children are at the table, would you like to join us for breakfast? " - Asked Helen.

" Sure, thank you! " - Said Olivia, heading with Helen to the dining table.

Helen Pevensie already considered Olivia family. It was quite lovely, as she considered her almost like the fifth child she had. She was quite content with her relationship with the rest of the Pevensies, and understood they were quite close.

" Ollie! " - Lucy smiled, running to hug Olivia.

" Hello Lu! " - Olivia giggled, returning the embrace, her two braids falling behind her shoulders.

" Come! Let's sit. " - Lucy dragged Olivia to a seat beside her and next to Susan, facing Edmund and Peter. She greeted the rest of the Pevensies.

They had a pleasant meal, with laughter and smiles, except from Peter, who, like always, was acting grumpy.

They got up from the table, and bid their farewells to Helen Pevensie, who handed them sandwiches for their lunch.

Since the children were a bit early, Susan headed for the magazine stand across the street from the metro, while Lucy got distracted by her friend, James, who was eagerly showing her something he had just received as a gift from his parents. Peter headed earlier to the metro, while Edmund and Olivia stayed outside, chatting away, leaning against the big lion statue on the entrance.

" Hm, I don't know. I personally prefer the strawberry one. " - Said Ed, giving it some thought.

" Of course you do, the best is clearly the chocolate flavoured one! " - Argued Olivia. The two weren't fighting, just having a conversation about which ice cream flavour was best.

" I think we can agree that Vanilla is superior. " - Grinned Edmund.

" True. " - Olivia and Edmund during those two years found out that they weren't too different like they thought they were, they actually had a lot in common. Perhaps it was just their nervousness around one another that led them to their constant arguments.

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