Chapter Thirty-Five

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Was it the first time that Remus was awake at the ungodly hour of four in the morning because his mate had an epiphany? No.
But it was new for Andrew, who was nursing a glass of water while an Omega was making another pot of coffee between the four of them.

"So you and Sage took a walk through memory lane and figured out that the statue is by the same wolf as the one we found in the underground church?" Andrew questioned, and Sage shook her head, now having her phone in place.

"Not just the same wolf, I think it's missing wolf." She stated, showing the pictures that Rebecka and Enzo had managed after it was cleared of prisoners.

"How can you tell that it's the missing piece?" Andrew questioned, while Remus took a better look and zoomed into the picture.

"Art class."

"Art...Class?" Kendal questioned, looking for clarification from the males. "Sage took an art class at the high school, but what does that have to do for right now, hun?"

"Very hard to make rep-li-cas with same clay. But the style looks the same, and there are bumps on the bottom plate. Looks like it was together, now it's not."

"You think Crimson sold my grandfather the missing link to the one you have in Crescent Moon?" Sage blinked at the question Kendal was asking and perked her lips, wondering what her theory truly made her think of.

"Maybe it was a replica, who did your grandfather commission it of?"

"My mother. She's—"

"She was from Grey Hallow, wasn't she?" Kendal nodded instantly to Remus' question and found himself thinking. "Grey Hallow has a distinct she-wolf size and fur pattern. What if it wasn't your mom's wolf, but mine?"
"Well, then I wasted a lot of prayers for the wrong female, hm? Why don't you head over to go take a look for yourselves? I think the Luna needs more coffee." Andrew didn't feel all too keen to leave Sage alone again, but Remus had allowed it, and who was he to disagree with Sage's real mate?

In all honesty, he didn't know if his plan was to truly stay in Crescent Moon. It was clear that he wasn't as kindly remembered as he hoped, hell, full-grown males would look twice over what they were saying when they spoke to him.

It made him worry if he was being revered or feared. Either or, it didn't matter.
Alpha Issac had offered him to return to his mother's pack, and he was wondering if that was the right course of action now more than ever.

It was too crowded in the Moon residence, not to say he couldn't live somewhere else. But seeing Sage return to a life that he wished was waiting for him wasn't a possibility for him anymore.

Perhaps he could find a lovely female in Grey Hallow that would make him see that the world truly spins right and for a reason.

"You think this is a lead?" Remus questioned, trying to find any significant detail to make it out to be his mother's wolf instead of Kendal's. But Andrew had already spotted something of familiarity, considering he thought of Emery Moon as his second mom when Aria Clark died.

"I think this is something. I just don't know if it's worth parading on Crimson's graveyard." Remus claimed, and Andrew could see the truth in that.

"Aren't we looking for a place where that Vampire man could hole up though? Sage said it was fully operational. And the witches found that it was in the central United States...I think we're nearing it." Remus had stopped his pursuit of looking for the details and turned to face his friend, what he said was true.

But did he truly want to hurt the American packs like that again?
"You think he's hiding in Crimson?"

"I think he's hiding somewhere, not Crimson specifically—But what more could they be after? It's an established zone, witches already masked it from humans and it's a large piece of territory. Almond isn't dumb, right? Maybe we need to start thinking differently." Andrew claimed, eyeing the statue's eyes once again, and nodding. "Yeah, that has to be Emery."

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