Chapter Fifty-Three

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Laura did her best to clean up the Luna, but it was difficult. Especially when Sage offered no help and tried to remain planted in her sleeping bag—Staring up to the ceiling, almost lifeless.

It aided her, at the very least, that her wolf felt more comfortable and on terms with what happened. But the lingering set of eyes on her was not what she wanted.

And if remaining still and quiet was keeping Laura from speaking, so be it. She had enough judgment from Jade for a lifetime, and that was only based on the decision to Mate with Andrew during her Heat.

Not knowing that there was an actual pup growing inside her...worried her.

As Laura was finished, Sage allowed her hands to drift down to where she couldn't wait for the swelling to begin. For her body to transform and be allowed to nurture something so precious as a pup.

It didn't fit into Andrew's plans of keeping distance or her choice in wanting to be with Remus. But it did answer the hopes between the two, even if the rest of the family had hoped against them.

Sage knew from the start that Andrew's family was dead, much like Remus'. She had been so excited to give her mate a family, to add to the one she joined and found, that she felt the same with Andrew.

Even when they do not continue the relationship, they will have a pup to love, care for and teach. While it wasn't the best situation to create, the love in Sage blossomed as she turned to her side and rested her eyes.

The events of the days started to conjoin together with how tiring she felt. Or was it the pup?

It hardly felt like much time had passed before her tent's zipper sounded off, causing her to turn over her shoulder and lock eyes with both the males she had been thinking of.

She hummed in recognition but didn't offer anything more.

As Andrew sat right beside Sage, Remus followed—Just at the opposite side. Both were respectful that if she wanted to face them, she would.

And in a small camp, this is as private as it could be.

With Andrew's eyes locked onto the back of Sage's head, he sighed—Still trying to come to terms with what he caused and what will happen in the future.

He is going to be a father.

"You can't leave now..." Remus whispered, completely cautious in not disturbing Sage's rest. But as Andrew turned, his best friend was sporting similar bruises and tearful eyes just as he was.

"What do I do, Rem? Leave my son or daughter? My pup...? She nearly lost—"

"I know. I can't ask you to leave. But don't think this changes anything. Sage is my Mate. Mine. And I'll do anything to keep up with that promise. You might be the father of that pup, but right now my wolf sees you as a threat." The truth was out, and even as Andrew's hand itched to have some sort of physical contact with Sage and their pup, he receded.

Taking Remus' words of caution seriously.

"I understand. But I plan to be a good father, and if that means putting my neck out there to be a part of that pup's life, I will." Andrew's devoting words had spoken a promise, one that had both upset and rallied a sense of pride in Remus.

"I'm going to be a step-father..." He whispered, almost as if he was trying to remind and convince himself of what was about to happen. And Andrew nodded. "Yeah, might have to pinch me later on that I'm going to be a father."

"It's not as hard as it sounds." Had that comment come from anyone besides Remus, then Andrew might have understood. Granted, he couldn't say much. He wasn't in the position to say anything against his friend either, not when he's hardly managed a newborn pup.

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