Chapter 7: "What's going on?"

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Things have been weird between Ms. Miller and me and between Ms. Williams and me, we weren’t talking anymore, they weren’t being mean they just ignored me, both of them.

For the rest of the week Ms. Miller didn’t say a word to me, not even during detention. Another week passed and I was starting to get lonely, I haven’t seen my dad in months, my friends were busy with school and spending time with their families and half of my teachers were ignoring me.

As if that wasn’t enough I’ve been feeling like shit since Friday night. Today it’s Sunday and I’ve only gotten worse, I’ve been dealing with an upset stomach and a fever, I threw up a couple of times as well. Whenever I tried to get up I would get dizzy. I let Izzy and Ed know that I wouldn’t be attending school on Monday and fell asleep.

On Monday I woke up at 12.3 and run to the bathroom, I felt like throwing up, but nothing came out. I laid on the couch and I was shivering. Izzy had texted me that she got my homework and she will leave it outside my door and ring the bell.

Around 2.4 I heard the bell ringing and sure enough, my homework was outside my door. I let her know I got it and that I wouldn’t be coming on Tuesday either. I asked her if she could inform the principal and the teachers that I was sick and that I wasn’t just skipping.

I ate some plain bread with water, but it didn’t help, my stomach was aching, I was dizzy and I had a fever, I decided to lay on my bed and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up from the noise of the doorbell ringing,  I slowly walked up to the door and opened it. In front of me there was a familiar brunette whom I stared shocked.

-«What are you doing here Ms.?» I asked confused

-«Uhm, I came to bring you your homework and check up on you, I remember you saying that you kind of lived alone»

-«Oh, thank you, come in» I said and stepped aside for her to come in «Sorry for the mess»

-«Don’t worry about it» she sat at the couch and I sat next to her. She looked at me worried, my stomach started to stir and I got up

-«I’m sorry» I said and ran to the bathroom, I kneeled over the toilet and threw up the bread from last night. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth and went back in the living room. I dropped myself on the couch next to her. She moved closer and put her hand on my forehead.

-«You have a fever»

-«I know»

-«Have you taken anything  for it?”

-“Yes, some ibuprofen, but it didn’t do much”

-“What other symptoms do you have?”

-“Uhm, my stomach is upset and hurts and I’ve been feeling tired and dizzy”

-“Have you eaten anything?”

-“I’ve tried, but I can’t keep anything down”

-“You need to lay down, let’s go to your room” We got up and she put her hand around my waist to stabilize me. I laid down and she brought me the trash can next to the bed.

-“In case you feel like throwing up” I nodded
“Where do you keep the towels?” I pointed at my closet
“Can I?” she asked before opening I nodded, she took a small one and left, she came a few minutes later and put it on my forehead.
“It’s going to help with the fever”

She sat next to me on the bed, and I couldn’t help but wonder why was she doing all these things? I turned around and looked at her and she smiled. I’ve never seen her smile before, she had the prettiest smile I had ever seen.

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