Chapter 11: "The accident"

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It was now Sunday and I am dreading going to school tomorrow, thankfully there was only one week left since Christmas break, not that I would do anything, I don’t celebrate Christmas anymore, I have no reason to.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Ms. Miller and how she said she doesn’t celebrate Christmas either because she doesn’t want to pretend she’s happy, I wonder what has happened to her that caused her so much pain. I shouldn’t be thinking of her, her actions lately have been more than hurtful, but still I think I’m starting to like her, not in just a friendly way, I think I’m crushing on her a little.

I got up and grabbed my helmet, I had to go for a ride to clear my mind, I can’t be thinking of her that way, she’s my teacher.

I got on my bike and sped off, I was going above the speed limit but I didn’t care, I finally felt free and happy. I was driving around as I was on a turn I realized I was going too fast, I managed to slow down significantly but I still lost my balance. I fell off my bike and rolled on the street, I then lost consciousness.

I woke up in a hospital and felt every part of my body aching. I pushed a button that called the nurse. I looked at my arm and it was in a splint, my other arm was covered in bandages. The nurse came.

-“Ms. Thompson you are awake, how are you feeling?” She smiled

-“I’m in pain, how long was I out?”

-“Thankfully only for a few hours, I will bring you painkillers soon”

-“So, what are the injuries?”

-“You sprained your right hand and there are multiple abrasions all over your body, there was no brain damage no internal bleeding, and no fractures. I must say you were lucky Ms. Thompson”

-“Yeah I’ll go buy a bunch of lottery tickets” I joked and she chuckled.

-“Could have been worse” She left and came back with painkillers, I took them and soon I was asleep again.

I woke up around 9.3 the next morning and called the school to inform them about my absence, I then attempted to get up but the pain was too much.

-“Easy there, you may not have broken anything but your body took quite a fall and you lost a lot of blood, don’t rush to stand up, everything is going to be in pain for a while” Said the same nurse from yesterday.

-“Ugh, I just want to go back home, I hate hospitals” I whined.

-“Weird you seem to visit them quite often”

-“That’s different”

-“You need to be more careful with that motorcycle, I saw it’s your fourth accident”

-“Yeah” She was right I will not always be so lucky. “How are you still here btw?”

-“I’m working a double shift” She scrunched her nose.

-“Oh, that sucks” I exclaimed and she chuckled.

-“It’s not that bad, plus I’ll be done in 1.3 hours.” “Now I’ll go get you some painkillers and make sure someone brings you food”

A nurse with a tray walked in and left it on the side table for me. It was yogurt with sliced fruit and toasted bread with jam. I tried eating some but it was disgusting. The nurse came with the painkillers.

-“You need to eat before taking them” She looked at my full tray and I scrunched my nose. I grabbed the bread and ate half of it. “I assume you are not a big fan of the food”

-“Yeah” I said and ate the rest of the bread. She gave me the pills and I took them.

-“The pills cause drowsiness by the way”

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