Chapter 43: "Our life"

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* Fast forward 2 years later. (4 in total) *

-"Baby, are you ready? We are going to be late" Dani yelled

-"Yes, yes I am. Oh shit I'm nervous"

-"Don't be, you'll do great, plus most of your co-workers already know you"

-"I'm not sure that's a good thing" We both chuckled and got in her car. She drove us to the school.

-"Let's go to the teachers' lounge" She showed me the way.

It was weird being back in school as a teacher this time, and the fact that I was married to my teacher didn't make it less awkward. We got in and Ms. Williams, Mr. Davis, Mr. Peterson, and some other teachers were sitting, they turned to look at me and they all seemed surprised to see me.

-"Hey" I said awkwardly and turned to look at Dani, she shook her head no and nudged my arm. "Some of you might remember me, uh, I'm Camilla Thompson and I'm the new economics teacher" most of them looked at me surprised.

-"Cam, wow, you haven't changed a bit" Ms. Williams said.

-"Actually, I hope she has" One of the other teachers said and I smiled at his comment, I remember making his life hell in high school.

-"We don't need to show you around, do we?" Ms. Williams asked.

-"No, no, it's fine, I think I got it." Danielle sensed how uncomfortable I felt and put her hand on my back.

-"Oh, I think you should introduce yourselves too, Cam doesn't know any of your names" Dani said and they all introduced themselves. It was weird.

-"You look completely freaked out" Mr. Davis pointed out and I nodded. I told them about the college I attended and the extra teaching courses I took and they were surprised that I didn't end up a fuckup.

-"So Ms. Thompson" Mr. Peterson started but I interrupted him

-"Actually it's Mrs. Thompson"

-"Oh, you are married" Ms. Williams exclaimed.

-"Yes" I looked at Dani.

-"Did I forget to mention that she's my wife?" She casually said and their jaws once again dropped to the floor. We had chosen to hide this detail from them, until now.

-"So you married a student?" One of the teachers said.


-"When did you get married?" Another one asked

-"Two years ago"

-"Did you two have a relationship when she was in school?"

-"Absolutely not. That is illegal and unethical" She exclaimed disgusted.

-"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you"

They kept asking us questions and I wanted to die from the awkwardness. These people make me nervous and I feel as if I have to prove that I'm good enough to be there.

-"We should go to our classes" Mr. Davis said. "Camilla, do you need any help finding yours?"

-"No thanks, it's okay, I know where it is"

-"Well, good luck on your first day and I hope you don't have any students like you" I squinted my eyes at him.

-"That was mean"

-"I'm sorry" He chuckled "But you were an absolute nightmare"

-"I know, I'm sorry for making your life hell. But you do teach maths so it's really your fault" He gasped amused and shook his head.

We parted ways and I went to my classroom, Dani had helped me prepare and had given me advice. I stood by the door, greeting the students as they walked in. The first few classes passed smoothly, it was now lunch break and I was on my way to meet Dani. I got in her classroom and closed the door behind me.

-"Wow, it feels like I'm back in high school" She looked up and smiled.

-"I missed seeing you in my classroom" I sat at the same desk I usually sat at detention and she walked up to me and pecked my lips. "It's crazy thinking how far we've come"

-"Is the nurse the same one that worked here a couple of years ago?"

-"Yes" Dani smiled

-"I'm afraid I'll have to leave you, I want to go by to greet her" She nodded and I went to her office, I knocked on the door and she opened it.

-"Hey, I don't know if you remember me..."

-"Are you kidding me? Of course, I do Cam. You were in my office once a week for four years. I've never had anyone visit me so often, how can I forget you" She exclaimed and I chuckled.
"You grew up so much. What are you doing here?"

-"Well, I am the new economics teacher"


-"Yes" I chuckled

-"You are a teacher now?"

-"Yes, and I'm also married" Her jaw dropped

-"Who are you and what did you do to Cam?"

-"I know, it's crazy."

-"So, who is the lucky one? Is she pretty?"

-"I think you know her, Danielle"

-"Mrs. Miller?"


-"You are the Mrs. to the Miller?" She asked and I laughed


-"No way"

We chatted for a while until I had to go back to my class. The rest of the day passed by fast and the students seemed to like me.


Work at school was going well and I was getting along with the rest of the teachers. Dani and I were happier than ever, we had obviously moved in together and we were remodeling the first floor.

Izzy got her degree in cardiology and was now working at a local hospital, and Ed, well, Ed dropped out of college to pursue his dream of becoming an actor, and he was starting to get important roles in tv shows. He also met an amazing guy whom he married.

My dad was still traveling most of the time. Dani's parents were doing well and we grew closer. I was happier than ever. I woke every day grateful that we managed to overcome all our problems. She is my soul mate.

The story is over, I had a lot of fun writing and I hope you enjoyed reading it too. If you made it this far without dying from the cheesiness and the cringe, well, congratulations, here is a cookie for you 🍪
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