Chapter 36: "Prom"

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It was Friday and Izzy, Ed, and I were getting ready for prom. The past week was a complete nightmare. Dani was swamped with work and prom preparations and I had been studying non-stop, we only managed to exchange some texts and some late-night talks on the phone. I was excited to see her today even if I knew that we couldn’t do anything.

We pulled up to the school’s parking lot and I spotted her convertible. Of course, she brought that car. I smiled to myself as we made our way to the gym. It was nicely decorated, but it still looked like a school gym. It was kind of sad. I looked around searching for her, but I couldn’t find her.

-“She’s over there” Izzy said, noticing that I was looking for her. She was wearing a black dress with a white collar that stopped a little above the knee, matching black heels, her hair was perfect waves falling gracefully on her shoulders, and her makeup was subtle but noticeable. She looked like a goddess. I wanted to go talk to her but I had to wait for Ed and his boyfriend, plus she was talking to some other students.

Ed came and introduced us to his boyfriend, who apparently played on the football team, he was a good-looking guy and he seemed nice too. We talked for a while and I excused myself to the bathroom, I was bored and I wanted to talk to Dani. I went in the bathroom to make sure my hair looked good. And then I walked around the gym looking for her, but once again I couldn’t spot her, this place is packed.

-“Looking for someone?” She whispered behind me causing me to jump. She chuckled and I turned to look at her smiling.

-“Yes you” Her eyes traveled on my body, and from the look on her face, I knew she liked what she saw.

-“Ms. Miller, you look great, I love your dress”

-“You look good too Camilla”

There was this tension between us, but we both knew better than to do anything stupid.

-“So, are you enjoying yourself?”

-“Not really, it’s kind of boring, plus I have no one to dance with” I pouted and her smile grew wider.

-“Well, try and have fun Camilla” “I’ll come to pick you up from your house after prom” She whispered before leaving and I looked at her as she walked away.

I went back to my friends, and for the rest of the night we danced as a group. Turns out Ed’s boyfriend is pretty chill, his name is Mark and he is a year younger than us. When prom was finally over Izzy dropped me off at my house and the three of them went to the after-party.

I texted Dani to let her know I was home and she said she’ll pick me up in twenty minutes. I retouched my hair and straightened my clothes and waited for her in the living room.

-“Where are you going monkey?” Dad asked me

-“I’m meeting with Dani” He smiled at me

-“It’s about time, you haven’t seen her all week” I was about to answer him but my phone buzzed and I run outside. I got in her car and she turned to face me smiling, I pecked her lips and she drove off.

She pulled over to her house and we got in. I could hear soft music playing, she took my hand in hers and led me to the living room, but it looked nothing like it. It was empty and in the middle, there was a table for two. Rose petals were scattered onto it and on the floor and multiple candles were burning, lighting up the room. I stood there shocked.

-“Cam, I know that I’ve hurt you and I know that sometimes I’m being difficult but I need you to know that I love you with all my heart.” I felt my heart beating faster and a tear rolled down my cheek. I raised my hand, cupping her cheek, and kissed her, her hand moved on the back of my head, she pulled me closer and her fingers found their way into my hair as our lips moved, her tongue slipped in my mouth and met with my own. We slowly pulled away to breathe.

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