Chapter 2

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The next morning Dawn woke up with a great yawn. She then checked her alarm, she had woken up earlier than usual. She sighed and decided to get ready, she wanted to look good for her first impression. After showering, she brushed her hair and styled it the way she always does. She took a deep breathe and walked into the main area of the villa. She spotted May sitting down eating a candy-bar.
She decided to go say hi to her, they were friends after all.

"Hey May!", Dawn said walking casually up to her. May looked up at her and stopped chewing.

"Hello.. Dawn", she said stiffly, she probably had other things in mind.

"So , how have things been?", Dawn asked awkwardly.

"Fine", May said bluntly standing up and throwing the wrapper of her candy-bar in the garbage. She then looked at Dawn sternly.

"Look Dawn, your my friend and all, but not here, I'm here to win", May said with determination. May had always had a crush on Ash and wasn't about to loose him to her friend.

Dawn smirked, "Whatever you say." May walked away back to her room without looking back. Dawn sighed and took her seat where May was previously.

"..Aaand Cut! That was perfect!", the director said out of the blue. Dawn looked up startled, she didn't know they were recording her encounter with May.

"What! You guys were recording me this entire time!", Dawn exclaimed.

The director rolled his eyes, "Of course we were recording you, its in the contract. How did you think we were going to make an entire show out of this?"

Dawn blushed and frowned, she felt as if her privacy had been violated. She shrugged of the feeling.

"So today Ms.Dawn you will be on a Private Cruise boat with Mr.Ketchum." Dawn gasped, it sounded wonderful.

"Before you go, the makeup crew might have to fix you up." Dawn frowned at his words, she had worked hard on her makeup and hair that morning. She let the professionals drag her away and do their job.
Dawn looked in the mirror and couldn't even recognize herself. Her hair was sleek and all back and face almost glowed. She blushed as she saw the skimpiness of the bikini she was wearing. She draped a dowel over her waist and tied it to cover up. She couldn't wait to finally go on a date with Ash.

Ash was waiting on the edge of the Villa with the director and announcer. He was a bit bored and restless. He then noticed Dawn walking up the beach to him and blushed. She looked extremely pretty. He felt the cameras focus on his face. He waved at her, still mesmerized by how different she looked.

"Hey, Ash!", she said walking up and standing next to him.

"Hi, nice weather isn't it?", Ash said blushing looking at the ground.

They later got to the dock and onto the cruise boat they were to stay in. They both Wales in and went down bellow to the luscious cabin of the boat. It looked like a five-star hotel. Dawn sat on the velvet seat next to Ash.

"So.. how has your journey been?", Dawn asked sipping on her drink.

"Great! you won't believe all the new Pokemon I found, and other cool things like fossils and mega evolution!" Ash went on to talk about his journeys in Unova and Kalos. Dawn told him about the contests she had been to and how far she had gotten.
She tried not to mention any guys, so she wouldn't ruin the atmosphere.

Later, they had dinner on the boat and came out on deck to watch the sunset.

"It's really pretty isn't it...", Dawn said in awe. Ash nodded. The sky had wavered into an yellowish violet color that stretched across the sky.

"Dawn, I missed traveling with you and Brock sometimes..."

Dawn looked up surprised, "Really.."

"I really like all my friends, but they all have a different vibe to them... it's not the same".

"Traveling with you felt different than traveling with May and Max, and Misty".

Dawn smiled and they both looked up at the sky together.

"Ash, your a great friend."

"...Aaand cut! Fabulous scene! Great emotion in this one!"

They both looked at each other and rolled their eyes, it was going to be a long three months.
Ash and the girls stood around the Tiki that evening. The pink-haired announcer stood in front of them all, with a large smile on his face.

"Ash had a wonderful date with Dawn this evening, I see?" Dawn blushed and looked down, May looked at her with jealousy.

"Now I will be pulling the name of the girl who will be on the next date with Ash, this date will take place the day after tomorrow!" All the girls tensed wondering what they would have to do tomorrow. the announcer put his hand in the jar and slowly brought out the name.

"The next date is..... Iris Cuasorome". Iris looked up surprised, she wasn't expecting to be chosen. She grinned with determination. I'm going to win this.. even if it's the last thing I do!

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