Chapter 5

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They all looked at Misty, thinking about what she had said earlier. Does she really love Ash? They all thought in unison, in truth they were all jealous. Jealous that she was the first one to go on a journey with Ash. Serena looked at May, they were the only ones who had not gone yet. May winked at her and grinned, she knew..and she was planning on making a lasting impression when her time came. After they were done, everyone was free to leave the Tiki.

Ash, as naive as ever, decided to go talk to Misty. They haven't seen each other fr a long time.

"Hi Misty! How's your gym-".

"I can't talk to you now Ash..", Misty said cutting him off. May and Serena were glaring at her and she was wondering what they would say if she talked to him. Mist sighed and walked away. Ash blinked. Was it something I said? He had been wondering why his friends where acting so strange even off-camera. He wasn't even sure who to ask about it. He wouldn't call Brock.. he knew exactly what he would say, and Cilan and Clemont always seemed so busy these days. Ash sighed, he was tired from his hike with Iris earlier so he decided to relax in the pool.

Meanwhile in the lounge, Serena was talking to May abut their plans as allies. Serena secretly didn't like May, she felt like she didn't care much about Ash and was in it for the money.

"So... May, what were your motives for joining this competition anyways?', Serena said almost casually. May smiled and crossed her legs on the couch, she then turned to Serena.

"It's.. a secret, k?", she said with a wink. Serena sighed and stretched out her arms, she didn't trust May... she didn't know how close she was to Ash. Serena fiddled with the ribbon on her blouse, the tension there was unbearable. The truth was, the only reason Serena came on the show was to find love. It was quite obvious during their journey Ash had no idea she had feelings for him. Serena smiled, one day he'll realize...

But Serena had more things on her mind.. Misty. Misty had also met

him earlier than the other. But he didn't forget her. Serena shook the sad thought out of her head, of course he hadn't remembered her then.. they were little kids. Serena knew that Misty was her main competition, she knew it write after their battle. Plus, the way she talked about Ash.. she wasn't in it for the money.


After the events at the Tiki, Misty had gone straight to her room. It was long day.. with way too much drama for her to handle at the moment. Misty collasped on her bed with a sigh. Those looks that they all gave her.. were they imitated by her.

"I really need to cool down", Misty said rolling on her stomach. They were so many facilities she could choose from.. golfing, battling, an exercise room... But she needed something more relaxing. Like water. Almost as if it had read her thoughts, Psyduck came out of it's Pokeball. Misty rolled her eyes. Stupid Psyduck... But she knew she was kidding, she loved Psyduck and it happened to be the only Pokemon she brought from Kanto to the set.

"That's it, we're going to the pool, I am a water-type trainer after all", Misty said changing into her bikini.


Misty walked into the pool room with confidence, it seemed empty. Misty stretched and grinned... finally. Psyduck jumped into the pooland Misty followed after it. Just as she was finally becoming comfortable in the freezing water, she noticed someone swimming on the other side of the pool. Misty squinted and suddenly blushed... it was Ash. After a couple seconds staring at him, he caught her gaze and began to swim over.

"Hey Misty, nice seeing you here", Ash said. Misty blinked, she was still surprised.

"Hi Ash, it's been a long time...", Misty said sadly. He never visited after he left, he always kept moving region to region. They both looked off at the distance. I have to break the silence...

"How was your date with Iris?", Misty said suddenly. Ash looked over at her, a bit suprised that she would ask about it.

"It was fun, Iris hadn't stopped calling me a 'little kid' though", Ash said with a laugh. Ash was being honest, he liked Iris but he couldn't comprehend being in a romantic relationship with her... or anyone else for that matter. He wasn't really ready for that kind of thing.

"Ash, why did you sign up for this show."

"I didn't, they just sent me a random accetance letter.. and my mother forced me to go through with it." Misty raised her eyebrow, that sounded suspicious.

"I have a feeling the producers had something to do with that", Misty said watching Psyduck paddle to her.

"They must have looked through our records, they probably did it to get more drama out of the show", Misty continued. Ash frowned, that was weird.

"They're isn't any drama here?", Ash asked (he's so clueless). Misty rolled her eyes and climbed out of the pool.

"It was nice talking to you Ash, shee you tomorrow at our date", Misty said wrapping her towel around her. She walked out, Psyduck slowly following her.


Just as this was happening, Iris was on the phone with Cilan. She was still extremely worried about Dragonite's well being.

"Is Dragonite alright? It's still alive right?...", Iris said.

"Don't worry, Dragonite is fine, the tumor hasn't grown.. Iris if you don't win this competition i'm willing to chime in to pay for it's treatment!", Cilan said over the phone. He too was really worried about Dragonite's health, but he was extremely worried about Iris. He didn't want her constantly worrying like this.. it's bad for her health. And secretly, he didn't wan't Iris to win this kind of competition. After Ash had left for Unova, him and Iris had been spending allot more time together and he was starting.. to fall in love with her.

"Thanks allot Cilan, I'll call you tomorrow.. I can't thank you enough...", Iris said, tears running down her eyes.

"You don't have to thank me Iris, I-I'll always be there for you." Iris blushed.


After Misty's swim she fell asleep quickly. She had a long day tomorrow...

... and so did everyone else.

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