Chapter 6

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Misty slowly sat up in bed and yawned. She got up and freshened up, it was finally the day of her date with Ash. She wondered what the producers had in store for them. She was told the day before that she was to meet up at the Tiki as early as she could. On her way there she passed Iris and Dawn talking on the couch. Could they be talking about me? Misty dismissed the thought, Iris wouldn't do that. She waved to them.

"Good luck, Misty", Dawn said with a smirk on her face. Iris looked up and waved back.
Ash and the announcer where already waiting at the Tiki. Misty almost felt blinded by the cameras.

"Today, you to will be going scuba diving!", the announcer said with a smile. Mist almost fainted right there. Why not something simple like a dinner somewhere? But Misty didn't mind the idea, she imagined all the water-type Pokemon she would see.

"Our set will get you two ready, please meet back her immediately after."

"This could be fun..', Ash said.Misty nodded as she began to walk back into the building. The make up crew suddenly crowded her.

"What's the point of make up if i'm going diving", Misty said. These people were ridiculous...


Afterwards, Misty and Ash were driven to a coral reef on the edge of the island. After putting on their diving suits they both got on a boat and were taking to the middle of the reef.

"Are you ready Misty?", Ash asked with a smirk.

"Of course I am!", Misty said putting. They both got into the shallow water and began to explore. Ash gestured to her to follow him. There where hundreds of Pokemon on the reef. There were Magikark, Goldeen, Remoraid and more. Mist took many under-water pictures. After, exploring a bit they both rose slowly to the surface.


After diving, they were taken to a sea-food restaurant near by. Mist attempted to ignore all the cameras videoing away. It was getting a bit irritating but it was part of the contract.

"That was amazing!", Ash exclaimed, "I was a sharpedo in there.."

"Hey, I didn't see any sharpedo", Mist said with a laugh.

"Well you missed out on that." Misty laughed, it's always fun hanging out with Ash.

"You know Misty.. you're really easy to talk to." Misty blushed. Ash looked down, "I'm sorry for not calling you, it's just that I was really busy.. I would never forget you". Ash was blushing now.

"And i really like you, I mean- not like that.. Um-." Misty interrupted him with a short kiss. Ash turned red.

"Wha- What was that for?", Ash said. He was still a bit flustered.

"Don't worry about it..."


After they returned, everyone met at the Tiki to find out who was next. Only Serena and May were left till elimination. That's why May and Serena acted a bit tense towards each other. No one wants to be last. 

"The next girl is... May Maple."

May smiled triumphantly, Serena looked down. Misty raised her eyebrow, for an alliance they weren't particularly friendly with each other. May caught Misty's eye and frowned. I'm winning this Misty, you might as well back off now.


That evening, May and Serena were hanging out on the couch. May was talking on and on about how she would win the competition. Serena held her anger, she was getting fed up with May but no other alliance would have space for her. Serena and May didn't have that much in common; May wasn't  big fan of baking or reality television. And sometimes she would even diss Pokemon Performances and call them a half-baked version of Pokemon Contests.

"I can't believe you haven't watched Keeping up with the Kangaskhans or even The Real Housewives of Unova..", Serena said when she was trying t talk to May about the shows.

"Reality shows are kind of stupid sometimes."  Too bad, you're on one. May didn't even like the concept of PR videos.

"Let's talk about important things.. like how to get rid of our competition."

"Get rid?", Serena asked.

May rolled her eyes, "You should get serious about this, you don't stand a chance against Misty and the others. Serena frowned, she knew May was right.. but she didn't have to be so rude about it.

"Love is like a Pokemon Battle, you need a strategy", May started, "And I have that strategy."

Watch out Misty, I'm winning this battle.

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