Chapter 7

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"What's this strategy you're talking about?", Serena asked curiously. May smiled.

"I'm not going to tell you", she said playfully. She stood up from the couch and walked back to her room. She was tired of idle conversations, she couldn't tell Serena anything. Not because she didn't like her, but because she thought Serena might use it against her when the time comes.

She swung open her door and sat on the bed. May looked out the window at the sun setting slowly. It was too early to go to bed and she wasn't exactly sure what to do. She moved to the chair by her window and spied at what was going on outside.

Misty, Iris and Dawn seemed to be chatting in a friendly manner. Serena was sipping a drink on the other side of the room. I wonder where Ash is? She wasn't exactly sure what he does at times like this. He was probably in his room.

May sighed and turned on the television in her room. Anything but a reality show... She switched it to a Pokemon Contest that was broadcasting live. She smiled, she couldn't wait to go back to pursuing her dream. She watched as they called up the next Coordinator. A green haired boy brought out a Roserade.

"Wait- Is that...", May said. May squinted at the television. It was Drew..
His Roserade used Petal Dance and wowed the crowd. May turned off the television, she had to focus on the task ahead of her. If she thought too much about Drew or Contests she would loose her focus.

May climbed into bed and snuggled under her sheets. She was ready for whatever the producers had in store for her the next day.


The next day, May and Ash met up at the Tiki to find out where they are going.

"Today you two will be going to the Spa", the flamboyant announcer said. May blinked, that was surprisingly nice. She thought it'll be something worse like sky-diving. She looked over at Ash, he needed alright with the idea.


"You've done allot this past week, right Ash?", May asked stepping into the heated hot tub.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this place to be so.. tiring", Ash said with a laugh. It was nice to just relax sometimes, especially after the diving and hiking that happened the days before.

"How was you're date with Misty?", May asked.

"It was fine", Ash said awkwardly.

"That's good..." They both sat in the hot tub in silence for a couple minutes.

"Have you tried the Oran Berry Cream? it's refreshing!", May said breaking the silence.

"No, I might try it later", Ash said with a laugh, "So.. May, how are your contests going?"

"Great! How was Kalos?", she asked.

"It was great", he said with a smile. May nodded. Serena was the last one of them to travel with Ash, she felt a bit jealous of this fact.

"I think I'll go get a drink", May said stepping out of the hot tub. Her bathing suit was a revealing, May felt Ash watching her from behind. She turned around and winked. Ash blushed.

"You pervert!", May said playfully.

"Wait- I wasn't looking, I swear!", Ash said with a laugh.


Later that day, everyone met at the Tiki for the last time before the first eliminations. The announcer smiled.

"You all already know that Serena will be the last girl to go before the first eliminations." Everyone looked at Serena.

"Today I'll be explaining how the eliminations work", he started, "As you all know, almost everything you do here is broadcasted world-wide." They all frowned slightly.

"Basically, international voting is held and the four girls with highest votes move on... the on with the least, goes home", he said. All the girls tensed, none of them wanted to be in that position.

"..If there is a tie in last place Ash gets to choose who goes on, or you have the option of battling to stay on the show", he concluded. Ash tensed, he would hate to choose between his friends.

"I hope you all have a good rest tonight, you'll need it", the announcer said.


Tomorrow is my chance... to tell Ash the truth, I love him... Serena sighed, no one understood how she felt. There was something she saw in Ash that the others didn't. Everyday she felt her infatuation grow stronger and stronger.

She sat down on the couch, alone. May seemed to have allot on her mind and she didn't have allot of people to talk to.

Suddenly, Misty sat down next to her on the couch.

"Hey Serena, are you alright?", Misty asked. She had noticed Serena acting strangely after the announcement.

"Yeah, I'm fine!", Serena lied. She didn't want to talk to Misty, she felt threatened by her.

"Look Serena, May might have been rude but she was just being competitive-"

"It's none of your business!", Serena shouted, "...I'm sorry.." Misty blinked, she had never seen Serena so distressed.

"Misty, Why do you like Ash?!", Serena asked out of nowhere.


"Tell me! I can't stand it anymore..", Serena said.

"It's hard to explain", Misty said bluntly. Serena looked up at her and smiled.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me... I think I'll go to bed now", Serena said. She stood up and walked to her room.


Dawn observed all of this from afar, she took a sip of her drink.

"She looks like she's cracking under the pressure..."

"Pip Pip!", Piplup said shaking it's head.

"But we aren't going home yet, aren't we?", Dawn said with a grin. Piplup nodded.


Meanwhile, Iris was on the phone with Cilan. Dragonite was in a stable condition.

"What did they say?", Iris asked anxiously.

"They confirmed that Dragonite has cancer...", Cilan said solemnly. Iris tried to stop herself from crying but the tears streamed down anyways.

"It's treatable right? Right?!"

"Yes, but the treatment would cost one million Pokédollars.. even more than they estimated before..."

"Thanks, bye Cilan", Iris said hanging up the phone. Dragonite...


May sat alone in her staring at the television blankly. They were airing another Pokemon Contest but she had other things on her mind. Why Can't I stop thinking about Drew?! She felt conflicted about her choice to join the show. She didn't need the money, but there was something empty. A void she was trying to fill.

"Ash can't fill that void, only one person can..."


All the girls had different reasons for being there. But only one will win...

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