Chapter 8

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The next day, Serena had woken up earlier than everyone else. She was extremely nervous about her date with Ash later that day and she was especially nervous about the elimination show the next day.

Serena looked up at the clock, it was only six in the morning. Her date wasn't until 2 pm. She paced around her room. Every moment she stayed there alone, the more nervous she got. What if I get eliminated? What if Ash chooses them over me? Serena sighed.

"I can't be thinking like this...", Serena mumbled to herself, "I just have to believe in myself."


Meanwhile, Ash had woken up unexpectedly. He yawned an looked over his shoulder expecting to see Pikachu. But he had left it in the care of his mother. Ash sighed, he didn't mind being on the show but he missed Pikachu.

He liked hanging around his old friends, but none of them acted the same. It was kind of awkward watching your friends fight over you, especially when you knew you could never choose between them.


Later that afternoon, Ash and Serena met at the Tiki for their date to be announced.

"Today, you two will be going sky-diving!", the announcer said positively. Serena blinked in utter shock. Ash looked at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh, oh- nothing...", Serena said quickly. The truth was, Serena was wishing they'll get something simpler. She was a bit scared about the idea of jumping out of a helicopter.

"You two get ready and meet back at the car!" Serena and Ash nodded.


After the make-up crew fixed Serena up, she walked cautiously to the car. She climbed in next to Ash.

"You shouldn't worry Serena, it's really safe", Ash said consolingly.

"If you say so...", Serena said looking out the window, she already felt like throwing up. Get yourself together Serena, I can do this.. for Ash.


Once they got to the area, they were escorted into the helicopter. Serena took a deep breathe as they secured her harness. The helicopter took flight.

"Look at the view from here", Ash said pointing out at the buildings as they grew smaller.

"You two can jump now", the instructor said. Serena looked turned around and gulped. Ash looked over at her and nodded, they both jumped off.

Serena grabbed Ash's hand as they began to free-fall through the air. The wind rushed in both of their faces.

At the right moment, they both pulled open their parachutes and landed safely. Serena felt a bit dizzy, her mind had gone completely blank as they were diving through the air.

"Are you alright?", Ash asked. Serena nodded and smiled.

"That was- something..", Serena said panting.

"Would you like to go again?", Ash asked with a grin.


After sky-diving, they were both driven back. There was no meeting after, just free-time.. If you could call it free-time. Every single thing the girls did were caught on camera, there was absolutely no privacy when it comes to reality TV shows.

"How was your date with Ash?", May asked.

"It was awesome, we went sky-diving!", Serena went on to tell her every detail but May didn't care. She just evaluating Serena, they were allies but May still had no intention of letting anyone win. She was extremely competitive.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?", May asked cautiously. Serena looked down nervously. She didn't know who the people watching would vote for, it was nerve wracking.

"Don't worry, I bet you'll get in", May said kindly. But that doesn't mean your going to win.

It was the next day, everyone was standing around the tiki. The announcer was up on a podium, behind him were four chairs. The battlefield was lit next to them.

A projection was shown above the announcer with all the girl's names and profiles.

"Welcome to the first elimination round of the season!", the announcer said into the microphone. The cameras changed their angles.

Everyone looked at each other nervously.

"I'll be calling some of you up in no particular order if your safe! Please come up and sit in one of these chairs!"
Misty held Iris' hand, who grabbed on to Dawn. May took Serena and Dawn's hand. They were all extremely nervous. Ash looked over at them, he was standing next to the announcer.

"The first girl that's safe is.... Dawn."

Dawn nodded and walked up to take he seat.

"The next girl is..... Serena."

Serena exhaled in relief and took her seat up in front.

Misty, May and Iris were left. They all looked at each other. May started feeling a bit uncertain, she took a deep breathe and returned her attention to the announcer. Iris squeezed Misty's hand.

"The third girl is...... Misty." Misty let go of Iris' hand and took her seat next to Dawn, she felt a bit nervous for Iris. She knew what was at stake for her.

Everything is going to be okey.. Dragonite is going to survive this. I'll make it...

May looked over at Iris nervously. It was either her or Iris. She stared at the projection and back at announcer.

"May and Iris are tied at last place!"

Everyone looked to the announcer in utter shock. Sweat dripped from Iris's hair. May's eyes widened.

If Ash doesn't choose, they'll have to battle for their place.

"Ash Ketchum, who do you choose?"

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