Chapter 3

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It was the next day, no dates where scheduled. Ash was given a day to rest of screen but the girls where still required to meet at the Tiki. They had a "bonding" activity for them. Before,they were required to go many of the girls began to talk and get to know each other. Some alliances where formed and some friendships where questioned.

"Hey Misty!", Iris said sitting next to her on the couch.

"Hi! What's up?", Misty said looking away from her magazine on water-types.

"Not much, what's that?"

"Oh, this? It's just an article on Milotics." Iris looked at the majestic Pokemon and smiled, it was almost dragon-like. Misty yawned and closed the magazine, she then turned to Iris.

"Did you hear anything about Dawn's date with Ash?"

Iris rolled her eyes and smiled, "She was practically bragging about it, they were on a cruise boat."

"Do you know where you will be going tomorrow."

"They told me Ash and I will be hiking.. I think up that volcano over there", Iris replied pointing out the window at the humongus dormant volcano at a distance. Misty was just glad they didn't make her hike up anywhere.

"So.. what do you think of Ash?.. how was your journey?", Misty asked trying to start a conversation.

"It was fine, he can be annoying at times.. I've never really liked him like that, but he's an amazing friend." Misty nodded, she felt the same way except she did have a crush on Ash at one point. She wasn't really doing it for the money but t try to get out of her surroundings and maybe find love. Iris needed the money because her Dragonite had a tumor and the proper medical help could cost more money than she had to spare.

Iris and Misty talked a while on the couch until they were called to got to the Tiki.


"Today we will be having double battles between two teams", the flamboyant announcer started, "Misty and Dawn on one team; Serena and May on the other". Iris frowned, she didn't get to battle because she her date the next day. She sat solemnly on the sidelines, she would have loved to be in the battle.

The girls took their places on the field. Misty brought out Psyduck. Dawn chose Mamoswine. Serena used Braixen and May went with Blaziken. Serena and May looked at each other and smiled, they had both chosen fire-types. Misty looked at Dawn's Mamoswine, it was strong but she wasn't sure how it would fend against their fire-type opponents.

"Battle begin!". The cameras began rolling.

"Blaziken use Blaze Kick on Mamoswine", May started. Mamoswine attempted to dodge the move but was hit and burnt on it's side.

"Stay strong Mamoswine! Use Take Down!" Mamoswine sent Serena's Braixen flying but it slowly recovered. Misty knew he had to help Dawn out because she was at a disadvantage. Mamoswine still felt the burn from Blaziken's Blaze Kick.

"Use Confusion on Blaziken" Misty shouted. She knew that May was a more seasoned battler than Serena and that she had to take her down. Blaziken was confused and could not make another move.

"Flamethrower! Let's go!", Serena said now seeing the urgency. It hit Mamoswine with full force and left it unconscious.

"Mamoswine is unable to battle". Dawn gave Serena a look and returned Mamoswine to it's Pokeball. She then went to sit with Iris on the sidelines.

"That was awesome"', May said high-fiving Serena. Misty took a deep breath, she knew Mamoswine wouldn't last long with two fire-types.

"Psychic on Blaziken!", she shouted. Pysduck concentrated and used Psychic leaving Blaziken unconscious. May sighed and returned it to it's Pokeball.

"You did great Blaziken", she said as she walked over to the side-lines.

It was just Serena against Misty.

Serena frowned, Misty was a strong opponent. "Use Hidden Power!", she said.

The move hit Psyduck and left it with a headache. Misty rolled her eyes, Psyduck always got headaches. But this left Serena open to using another hidden power. Psyduck got up and used water gun... winning the battle.

Misty smiled in triumph and shook hands with Serena. Serena didn't mid loosing, Misty was a gym-leader after all. After the battle, they all had dinner together.

Iris looked over at Misty and whispered, "Are you in an alliance yet?"

Misty shook her head.

"I heard Serena and May talking about joining an alliance with themselves."

Misty frowned.

"They said they are both going to make it to the Finals together", Iris said rolling her eyes, "Dawn tried to get me join her own alliance because May was being rude and Serena is annoying."

"I wouldn't go with Dawn, she was a bit full of herself, I noticed that in the battle.. she behaved as if she didn't need back-up even though she had the dis-advantage." They both looked at each other and nodded, this was the start of a new alliance. Suddenly, a lady from set walked in the room.

"Tonight there will be a sleepover at the luxury pent-house on the top o this building." The girls all looked at each other, a sleepover?

"I hope you don't mind us filming, it's sin your contract." They all nodded remembering.

Iris looked at May with excitement, "I've never been to a sleepover before!"

"It'll be fun!", Serena chimed in, "I can bake all of us something!"

"I hope this will be fun...", Dawn said under her breath.

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